Hot Stuff

My new summertime mantra is: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Sure, it's a little cartoonish, but were there ever finer philosophers than Tom and Jerry or Bugs Bunny? Those homies knew how to cut to the meat of the matter. At any rate, the heat may be abating a bit, and there's even rain in the forecast. Things are looking up, so much so that I can finally look at colors other than icy white or soothing lavender without spontaneously combusting. So here's my ode to hot orangey red -- tempered with a lot of crisp white. Because I still can't stand to look at a solid red wall. Things aren't looking that far up.

ad russia

hallie burton

keri russell house

roger davies

Did you catch that Fornasetti double feature? And I'm finally coming around on the magic of flowers to totally transform a room. Also, I need a snow leopard bench. Stat.

mali azima

Last but not least, this is what my backyard redesign shall look like. In addition to fabulous topiaries, becurtained verandas and killer sculptures, I am hatching a plot to air condition the outdoors.

For more hot red fabulousness, read this post at A Dreamer's Den.

It's officially summertime, gang -- so I am over and out. I'm pretty sure a pool somewhere is calling my name.

[AD Russia, Hallie Buton, Keri Russell via Elle Decs, Roger Davies, Mali Azima]


I just wrote an entire post about how much I hate Valentine's Day and was so ashamed at my own jadedness that I deleted it. True, it's a holiday with murky origins at best, manufactured to prop up florists and the greeting card industries. And sure, its initials are also an acronym for venereal disease, something which may even be directly linked to copious amounts of store bought candy and roses. But honestly, who can hate love?

HB and I don't get to spend enough quality time together now that the kidlet is here, but tonight I'm going to try to set up a nice homecooked dinner, turn the lights down low, maybe watch a romantical movie or listen to some Barry White, and...

See you dudes tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day!

[MR Architecture]

Red Hots

It's that Hallmark time of year again, time for a heart shaped box of cheap Russel Stover candies and a bouquet of overplayed red roses, perhaps even a stuffed teddy bear if Cupid has really shot your significant other square in the ass. I have to admit I sort of like the cheesiness and predictability of Valentine's Day. It's kind of a comforting ritual that celebrates the icky schmaltziness of luuuuuuv. So I'm here to help you get into the mood with a post on red interiors of varying intensity, from full on hotness to a little dab will do you. Crank up the Barry White and let's get sexy with it.

red room

Steve Giralt

There is a very naughty joke somewhere in here, but I'm going to restrain myself. You, however, are free to play, "Title That Picture" in the comments section.

light locations red

Light Locations

alexander van berge

Alexander Van Berge

roger davies

Roger Davies

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

steve giralt

Steve Giralt

richard powers

Richard Powers

m interiors

M Design Interiors

tom clinch

Tom Clinch

uli schade

Uli Schade

nicolas matheus

Nicolas Matheus

per ranung

Per Ranung

sara story

Rebecca Duke

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

desire to inspire

Desire to Inspire

light locations red

Light Locations

if the lampshade fits

If the Lampshade Fits

desire to inspire

Desire to Inspire



light locations

Light Locations

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

Whew! Did you see how many pictures and links were in that post?! So, don't go expecting me to write something witty under each picture. But I will say that: 1) Fuchsia and red is a hot color combination 2) The Poltergeist Mirror in the black walled picture from Light Locations is trying to eat my soul 3) A little touch of red in a room adds polish, but too much red veers towards the Redrum end of the spectrum.



What are you peeps still doing here? Step out and get your groove on!