I'll Be Watching You

Friends, I'm feeling a bit like a Harlem Globetrotter juggling basketballs in a Scooby Doo special celebrity episode, except that I am not special, nor am I a celebrity. I'm just a sleep deprived wreck of a new mom that hasn't showered in days, but at least the baby's diaper is clean and there is food in his mouth. Don't think too carefully about that last bit. Anyhoodle, I'm not getting as much work done as I'd like, but my fancy new laptop arrives next week, which will hopefully write my posts for me. More importantly, I'm planning to spend some time catching up on all your awesome blogs and showering you with my witty comments. Until then, I'll be stalking your blog one handed on my phone. You may not see my presence, but it will be there...

wooly chair

Yes, much like the subtly creepy face embedded in Jason Miller's bison fur Wooly Chair, I'll be watching you.

Things Made From Things

I love things en masse.  Take something small and insignificant and multiply it by 100, suddenly you have an interesting collection.  Take something small and kinda cool, then multiply that by 1,000 and shape it into something awesome then, well, then you have a blog post. 

Scott Jarvie Recycled Straw Clutch Chair

Nendo Designed Fabric Scrap Cabbage Chair

Fully Loaded Chair made from shotgun shells by Alexander Reh (yes, I've blogged about this before here)

balloona stool confetti by natalie kruch for umbra made from 500 balloons

Tide Chandelier made from collection of man made debris washed up on Kent coastline by Stuart Haygarth

Tail Light Chandelier Also by Stuart Haygarth

Mr. Haygarth is pretty much the king of making things out of things, view his entire site here

Volivik 347, Bic Pen Chandelier by en Pieza

#2 Pencil Chandelier by Daisuke Hiraiwa Gallery via inhabitat