Get Down, Stay Down

Our bed keeps getting bigger, and something must be done about it. We upgraded to a pillow top king years ago and it was a life changing decision, but I wasn't prepared for the rather epic proportions of our new purchase. I got over it. More recently we purchased a giant gel foam mattress topper, and it's getting princess and the pea comical up in here... pretty soon I'll be able to touch the ceiling while laying supine. I mean, the bed is so big I think it may go supernova on us. Critical mass time, dudes. What do we do?

So, I'm thinking the answer might be to put our bed on the floor. I just ordered yet another rug from ebay (rugaholics anonymous), and I be loving it. Except that the bed looks kind of like a houseboat floating adrift on the Persian Sea. Let us consider this conundrum and look at some options.

I don't actually know if this bed is on the floor, but it may as well be.

bed on floor

I've long since given up on the idea of a headboard. Screw it.

bed on floor

It's just going to be me and the bed. Oh, and Better Half Ben.

bed on floor

So what do we think? Should I pop that puppy off the supposedly low profile box springs and hunker down even lower?

Or is that look too dormy? Maybe I should get a platform?

Like, a 6" tall platform?

[Mikel Irastorza, Magnus Persson, MR Architecture]


I just wrote an entire post about how much I hate Valentine's Day and was so ashamed at my own jadedness that I deleted it. True, it's a holiday with murky origins at best, manufactured to prop up florists and the greeting card industries. And sure, its initials are also an acronym for venereal disease, something which may even be directly linked to copious amounts of store bought candy and roses. But honestly, who can hate love?

HB and I don't get to spend enough quality time together now that the kidlet is here, but tonight I'm going to try to set up a nice homecooked dinner, turn the lights down low, maybe watch a romantical movie or listen to some Barry White, and...

See you dudes tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day!

[MR Architecture]

Black Sheep

As the proud parent of a very energetic toddler, I can say there are a few things I will never own: 1) a white sofa 2) a fabric sofa 3) another chesterfield sofa (you would not believe what secrets those button tufts can hide). I know a lot of people have their little munchkins trained to eat in (gasp) the kitchen or dining areas, which is right and good since that's where food should live. And it's not that I am trying to raise a wild animal, it's just that life happens. Well, that and I have a hard time standing over an 18 month old in the kitchen, watching him take his sweet time (like, at least an hour) futzing with four squares of PB&J. On the other hand, could this be the solution to all my problems?

Are you guys sick of all the Belgian linen slipcovers yet? I have to say I kind of love the romance of it all. Of course, you could throw a burning pile of poop in the middle of this gorgeous room and it would still look fabulous. But would this super soft look work in a more casual space or just come off as sloppy?

I do generally prefer a more tailored look for a sofa. I'm all for comfort, but I'm also a little concerned that the super flowy white slipcovers look like Aunt Martha just closed up her Hamptons home for the winter.

Now this looks kidproof. Black covers, they never get dirty -- the longer you use them the blacker they get.

I kind of always thought I wanted a white sofa, but I find this refreshingly different and super easy to pull off. Just think -- that fabric could be anything. Something that matches jelly would be preferable.

Happy Monday, dudes. I have a craaaaaaaaaazy busy week coming up, but Ima do my best to shower you with blog love. Maybe even every inch of my love.

[Marie Claire Maison and MR Architecture]