Red Hots

It's that Hallmark time of year again, time for a heart shaped box of cheap Russel Stover candies and a bouquet of overplayed red roses, perhaps even a stuffed teddy bear if Cupid has really shot your significant other square in the ass. I have to admit I sort of like the cheesiness and predictability of Valentine's Day. It's kind of a comforting ritual that celebrates the icky schmaltziness of luuuuuuv. So I'm here to help you get into the mood with a post on red interiors of varying intensity, from full on hotness to a little dab will do you. Crank up the Barry White and let's get sexy with it.

red room

Steve Giralt

There is a very naughty joke somewhere in here, but I'm going to restrain myself. You, however, are free to play, "Title That Picture" in the comments section.

light locations red

Light Locations

alexander van berge

Alexander Van Berge

roger davies

Roger Davies

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

steve giralt

Steve Giralt

richard powers

Richard Powers

m interiors

M Design Interiors

tom clinch

Tom Clinch

uli schade

Uli Schade

nicolas matheus

Nicolas Matheus

per ranung

Per Ranung

sara story

Rebecca Duke

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

desire to inspire

Desire to Inspire

light locations red

Light Locations

if the lampshade fits

If the Lampshade Fits

desire to inspire

Desire to Inspire



light locations

Light Locations

edina van der wyck

Edina Van Der Wyck

Whew! Did you see how many pictures and links were in that post?! So, don't go expecting me to write something witty under each picture. But I will say that: 1) Fuchsia and red is a hot color combination 2) The Poltergeist Mirror in the black walled picture from Light Locations is trying to eat my soul 3) A little touch of red in a room adds polish, but too much red veers towards the Redrum end of the spectrum.



What are you peeps still doing here? Step out and get your groove on!

The Wild World of Wood

It's a woodtastic wonderland here at Casa Erin. The crappy tile has been ripped out of our kitchen and beauteous new wood floors are going in as I write this. Right now we're living in a dust laden war zone, draped in plastic sheeting that has transformed our once innocent abode into a crime scene straight out of Dexter, but I know it's going to be worth it. I'll be sure to do the big reveal when the floors are finished next week, but until then here's a sneak peek to tide you over:

erin's kitchen renovations

Aren't you jealous? Don't you wish you could wash dishes in the bathroom sink just like me? By the time this adventure is finished, I'm going to weigh 8,000 pounds from eating takeout every day, but that's another story. Today's story is about wood lust, not wood dust.

tom scheerer

(Tom Scheerer)

I've always loved wood. In its most elemental form it speaks of the trees from which it was hewn, reminding me of the Pecan Orchard I grew up tending.

suzy hoodless

Sadly, we did not have giant moose on the farm. This absence remains a travesty of my childhood for which I shall never forgive the latitude of my upbringing.

suzy hoodless

On the other hand, who needs moose or a farm when one could have a giant shiny faceted end table thingie? I like the way wood softens modern materials and relates interior to exterior, and Suzy Hoodless is a master of that balance.

annie schlecter

This cozy bedroom photographed by Annie Schlecter makes me rethink my hatred of the horrid wood paneling trend from the 70s (laminate not allowed!). If I didn't already have wood floors, I would copy this room right down to the hot little pendant sconces. It just looks so enviably clean. And dust free.

marie claire maison

(Marie Claire Maison)

Je deteste that table and those chairs, but the knotty pine paneling reminds me of my naughty youth.

living etc wood walls

And then there's this sexy number found via the inimitable blog, If the Lampshade Fits. Check out that hourglass figure. Hubba hubba!

office word of image

(Office for Word and Image)

Why stop at wood walls when you can have it all? And by "all," I mean the most amazing house of wood, ever.

wood walls

This little gem comes courtesy of my super seventies deco bible, Living Spaces, and I love the way the inside connects with the breathtaking views of the great outdoors. Skiing anyone? (I think my unborn fetus is foolishly raising a tiny hand.)

style files

Meanwhile, for some spaces a little dab will do, like this gorgeous Riad in Marrakech. That glossy black door is my new inspiration for our exterior entry, since I now realize it could be fantastic with our rustic split rail fence.

annie schlecter

(Annie Schlecter )

Oh, what a feeling... when we're using wood planks on the ceiling. A nice change from the ubiquitous wood flooring, I think. Not that I'm in any position to hate on wood floors right now.

office word and image

(Office for Word and Image)

Although not the most practical in terms of cleaning, I do love wood ceilings with white floors. It's like the world got tuned upside down.

edina van der wyck

(Edina Van Der Wyck)

And wood helps to keep white spaces from going sterile, although that table on casters has definite medical potential. And do you see the console table on casters in the background??? I NEED IT. I'm thinking of cultivating a new entirely mobile lifestyle. My kid is sure to love it. Post to come someday.

office word and image

(Office for Word and Image)

No self respecting post on wood would be complete without a touch of the rustique. While it's not really my style, I do think using logs to create an indoor tent of softly canopied fabric is a pretty genius idea.

per ranung

This tiny touch of woodsy eye candy comes courtesy of my man, Per Ranung. Is it me, or is there something a bit sinister about those knotted sheets hanging from rafters? That's probably why I like it.

Alrighty friends, It's time for me to inspect our own masterpiece in the making and attempt to contain the dirt damage. I can't wait to give you the full report next week, but until then, Happy Weekend!