Bust Out the Jamz

Well, Karly just screwed me over by writing the best post of the year, and now I have to follow THIS. I hate you, Karly. I mean -- I love you. No, I really do hate you. Are you people out there as inspired as I am to redo your entire house now? As soon as I can figure out what coordinates with the oh so trendy Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo (primary colors will come back in style someday, right???), Ima gonna get bizzy. Until then, here's some more heady ideas for sculptures you can stuff into the lonely corners of your home.

gold michael jackson bust

Guardian UK

So, is it too early to capitalize on the death of the biggest star in the world? Nah. This is America! Actually, MJ's gold painted plaster bust was slated to sell in the April auction of his possessions, but since the auction was canceled, it's ostensibly still floating around the ether somewhere. Estimate? $100-$150. I have a feeling the price may have gone up since then.

lick and lather

Jane Antoni's Lick and Lather (1993) comprises two self portrait busts, one of chocolate and one of soap. Let's hope she didn't lick the soap, although lathering oneself with chocolate sounds not half bad.

chocolate head

Speaking of deliciousness, this chocolate head by Paul Wayne Gregory would last about 2.2 seconds at my house before someone determined whether the inside holds a sugary Cadbury cream filling. I secretly hope there's a buttery yellow yolk in there somewhere.

delft bust of lenin

In the grand tradition of busts of great heads of state like Lincoln and Napoleon, we have a deftly decorated Delft Lenin. So nice to see his softer side, but I'd love to see him pitted against this guy:

wax obama

Wax Obama looks like he's getting ready to take a bite out of Communism. Seriously, I like our prez, but did they have to make him look like a jaundiced beaver?

lego bust

Lego man is ready to sacrifice himself for your good time. Just don't bring him to my house, because Momma don't allow toys with tiny pieces destined to collect dust underneath the couch. At least, that's my stance for today. Ask me how it's going in year when baby Ike throws a tantrum in the middle of the store because he just wants some damn legos.

julian hoeber

When superbloggers Molly and Raina come to visit in a few days, we're going skeet shooting Texas style. After seeing these amazing self portraits by Julian Hoeber, I think I have a new project idea.

julian hoeber

Ok, I have 3 days to cast a bronze sculpture of myself. I can make it, right?


And let's not forget about my buddy Beethoven. His ubiquity offers many chances for modification... I love the little dude painted black in my dining room, but now I'm coveting Karly's new wave rainbow treatment. Also, I think I need something bigger, so if you guys see something worthy out there, send old Erin a heads up, will ya?

RIP, Michael Jackson

Apparently, Michael Jackson just died of cardiac arrest. Such a tragic, screwed up life.

michael jackson dead

I will always remember listening to my cousin Amber's Thriller record late at night, while we were both huddled under the covers. That shit was scary, yo! And who can diss superhits like Pretty Young Thing, Beat It, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal or Dirty Diana? Plus, that white suit is awesome.

I know he was a very controversial person, but best to remember him in his prime.