I totally have the best post ever for you

April Fools!

No Post today, suckers!  

Thanks to Ugly House Photos for the stunning image above

For more April Fools Madness, Check out Raina's inspired posts here, here and here

Oh, and one last thing before I go, congrats to Hannah and Brian (of Hannah and Brian's curtain dilemma fame) on the birth of their bouncing baby girl yesterday.  Kisses and Love, homies!


Spring has NOT Sprung, Damnit!

While you dudes are blissfully watching the snow melt off of branches and ushering in the coming of spring, I am fighting it off tooth and nail.  It's a balmy 82 degrees here in austin and the only ice I've seen for the last few months came out of my fridge.  This is why, my friends, I will be spending the next 5 fun-filled days on the slopes in Vail, Colorado.  Holla! I wanted to bring you a ski cabin related post today but most of my searches ended with pictures like this:

This from a site that promises to show you how to "create your own ski lodge look."  Let's get this straight, this chair should not ever be seen near a ski slope, much less in some living room in the Carolina suburbs.  I'm not giving you a link because no one should ever learn to do this. The madness doesn't stop there, google roulette fed me all of this:

This is in Vail!  That mural is not ironic!  Knock out a hole in the wall where that mural is and enjoy the view that you most certainly have.  And why for the umbrella?

Look!  Eddie Veddar inspired seating, how quaint.

For a modern twist on the ski chalet, try ignoring the space you're working with.  Oh, and don't bother with making your curtains reach the floor.

If your constantly concerned that you won't feel like royalty while relaxing in your cabin, you could rent this pad:

Seriously, What is going on here?

I searched high and low for some good pictures for you folks.  Even my tried and true design hotel resources couldn't save me this time.  However, I didn't want to leave you with BOTH of your eyes bleeding, so I'll spare your souls with a few shots from every blog on earth's fave, Suzy Hoodless.  Hey it's not a ski resort, but the place had "lodge" in the name, so I'm going with it:

Ok, you caught me:  Erin posted some of those pictures before.  But, hey, I'm about to go on vacation, what do you expect?

Thankfully, I'll be staying with my aunt, who is an interior designer with impeccable taste, so my digs should more closely resemble the latter rather than the former.

While I'm gone I've got some badassical guest blogging posts lined up for you:  Erin will be rockin her usual days next week, but Raina, from If the Lampshade Fits will be giving you a shoutout on Tuesday and NerF from Designer's Brew will be bringin it home on Thursday.  Stay Tuned!

Peace out Bitches!


Nipping this animal thing in the bud

I know I'm supposed to be bombarding you with the best review of Top Design this side of the Mason Dixon line BUT I had an art opening to go to last night (for the lovely miss Hope Perkins) and had to DVR the decorating bloodbath.  I'll be watching it post haste and will immediately run back to my computer to give you the play-by-play of your dreams.  In the mean time, I'm hoping to hold you over while strangling the last bit of life out of this animal trend: So, let's talk about ibride.  The first time I saw their trays I was 100% smitten, then I saw them 67 more times and was a little over the phenomenon, now I've seen them 432 times and thought I never wanted to see them again until they released their new line last week at the  MAISON & Objet exhibition in Paris.  So, what do we think now:

ibride trays

ibride 2

Do we like them more or less than the trays I got at the thrift store this week? (try not to let my professional photos and the $1.99 neon green price tag sway you):

ugly tray
