Nipping this animal thing in the bud

I know I'm supposed to be bombarding you with the best review of Top Design this side of the Mason Dixon line BUT I had an art opening to go to last night (for the lovely miss Hope Perkins) and had to DVR the decorating bloodbath.  I'll be watching it post haste and will immediately run back to my computer to give you the play-by-play of your dreams.  In the mean time, I'm hoping to hold you over while strangling the last bit of life out of this animal trend: So, let's talk about ibride.  The first time I saw their trays I was 100% smitten, then I saw them 67 more times and was a little over the phenomenon, now I've seen them 432 times and thought I never wanted to see them again until they released their new line last week at the  MAISON & Objet exhibition in Paris.  So, what do we think now:

ibride trays

ibride 2

Do we like them more or less than the trays I got at the thrift store this week? (try not to let my professional photos and the $1.99 neon green price tag sway you):

ugly tray
