Get Down, Stay Down

Our bed keeps getting bigger, and something must be done about it. We upgraded to a pillow top king years ago and it was a life changing decision, but I wasn't prepared for the rather epic proportions of our new purchase. I got over it. More recently we purchased a giant gel foam mattress topper, and it's getting princess and the pea comical up in here... pretty soon I'll be able to touch the ceiling while laying supine. I mean, the bed is so big I think it may go supernova on us. Critical mass time, dudes. What do we do?

So, I'm thinking the answer might be to put our bed on the floor. I just ordered yet another rug from ebay (rugaholics anonymous), and I be loving it. Except that the bed looks kind of like a houseboat floating adrift on the Persian Sea. Let us consider this conundrum and look at some options.

I don't actually know if this bed is on the floor, but it may as well be.

bed on floor

I've long since given up on the idea of a headboard. Screw it.

bed on floor

It's just going to be me and the bed. Oh, and Better Half Ben.

bed on floor

So what do we think? Should I pop that puppy off the supposedly low profile box springs and hunker down even lower?

Or is that look too dormy? Maybe I should get a platform?

Like, a 6" tall platform?

[Mikel Irastorza, Magnus Persson, MR Architecture]

Yes to All This Magic

1!  Let me start with an update:  I bought a Persian rug!  I'm very excited and it should be arriving any day now.  I have a few other new items slowly making their way in and I'm looking forward to giving you a living room update very soon 2! Instead of looking at my crib, I'm going to take you on a pictures-only - zing! - tour of a house that will always and forever be better than mine, no matter how many Persian rugs I buy.

Ok, so not totally word-free.  I do want to say that this room has spoken directly to my heart.  The message:  you and me were made for each other.  The hanging chair and the blue rug with the blue stones are working for me in every way.  Also, I think Erin wants the couch in the back corner.

You know you want it.

Ok, so the kids room is a little too country-sweet for me.  But the rest has stolen my soul.  Next time I redo my house I'm going to do it like this one.  Brick by brick.

Serenity Now

Ok dudes, I'm really not one to complain and in general do my best to keep it 'tril but I have to level with you, this past week has been the hardest week of parenting thus far.  Without going into too much detail I'll tell you it involved a stomach virus (baby), separation anxiety and a daddy that had to work all weekend.  Today is all about horizontal design.  No high ceilings or soaring beams.  It's low, quiet, and, preferably, includes water.  Google, take me away


If I can dangle my feet out this window great.  If I can jump out and swim at the sound of a baby cry, even greater.  PS the baby is inside, I'm not swimming to him, I've hired help to handle that in this scenario.


I could also make myself available to relax in this location.


Ok, so no water here but I feel like I can curl up in this bed and sleep for at least a week.  I am also ready to gamble hard money that the world's most insane pool is just outside the window.  The pool boy probably isn't too rough on the eyes either.


I will substitute the fantasy pool in the above scenario for this Croatian lake, which is quite possibly the only lake in the world I would be willing to swim in.  Have you seen most lakes?  Gross.

And finally, what I really, truly want, more than anything else in the world is to stay somewhere like this.  My number one life goal is to spend some serious time at a resort with rooms off a dock over the water.  Tidal wave be damned, it's really the only thing on my bucket list, which, as previously discussed, doesn't really exist and if so would be called something different.