Yes to All This Magic

1!  Let me start with an update:  I bought a Persian rug!  I'm very excited and it should be arriving any day now.  I have a few other new items slowly making their way in and I'm looking forward to giving you a living room update very soon 2! Instead of looking at my crib, I'm going to take you on a pictures-only - zing! - tour of a house that will always and forever be better than mine, no matter how many Persian rugs I buy.

Ok, so not totally word-free.  I do want to say that this room has spoken directly to my heart.  The message:  you and me were made for each other.  The hanging chair and the blue rug with the blue stones are working for me in every way.  Also, I think Erin wants the couch in the back corner.

You know you want it.

Ok, so the kids room is a little too country-sweet for me.  But the rest has stolen my soul.  Next time I redo my house I'm going to do it like this one.  Brick by brick.