Be the Decider. Please.

Ok guys and gals, I have two major decisions to make today. This would be doable, except that I am a used up, burned, crispy charred piece of toast. This weekend we cleaned, hauled trash, painted, and moved Ike into his big boy room. I woke up at 2am feeling like I had done a speedball -- all hot and anxious and confused about where I was. This morning is not faring much better, and that is why I desperately need your help. Let's get to it.

Decision #1: Buy a Damn Table Already

I am driving the poor sales rep at the furniture store crazy with my waffling, so I'm determined to order something today. Ok, but do I get a marble tulip table, a white painted tulip table, or a walnut tulip table?

marble tulip tableMarble tulip cons:

Most expensive. Unknown quality -- the table I'm getting will not be carrara, but some other unknown white marble with less veining (no pictures are available because the marble varies so much). Fragility -- how does a giant elliptical piece of marble stay balanced on a small pedestal without breaking???! Staining -- am I going to wish I had chosen something easier to maintain? Redundancy -- I hope to get marble counters someday and I'm concerned about marble overload.


IT'S MARBLE. Is marble overload even possible? I seriously lust after this table.

White painted table cons:

Diminished sex appeal -- it's basically white painted veneer. Unknown quality -- no pictures of finished product available. Durability -- will it chip and gouge out to reveal veneer underneath? Cleanability -- can I scrub the crap out of this without abusing the finish? Length of ship time -- it'll probably take three months to get this table into my hot little hands... gross.


Inexpensive (relatively). It's plain white, so it'll go with anything. Easier to move. Not concerned about breaking it.

Wood veneer cons:

Wood is bossy -- rosewood or walnut will limit my chair options in a major way. Durability -- this is veneer so will it gouge out? Not refinishable (veneer). It may clash with my (to be installed in the future) white oak floors.


Relatively inexpensive. Available soon. Lighter than marble. Will not limit my counter choices.

Ok, which table should I buy?

Decision #2: Maybe Buy a Cheap Rug While They're On Sale Today

West Elm has 15% off rugs today. I have sample for this denim and jute rug, and it's cute but maybe a little juvenile with my coral/pink walls?

Look at me, I made a mockup. Shocking.

They also have plain jute flatwoven rugs. I'm looking at the fourth one down -- the flax color. This is kind of boring, but it would allow me to do some fun seating upholstery. No mockup. Sorry, I got tired.

Meanwhile, Overstock is also having a sale. I like this two tone herringbone jute rug, but I'm concerned about staining. Is jute easy care, or is that only seagrass? I know sisal is the worst.

Finally, I could just not buy a rug. I would be missing out a bit on the sales, but perhaps I'm trying to make too many decisions at once...

Who, me?

Opinions? Concerns for my mental health?

I have to go to the doc in a few to do my third trimester blood sugar test... even though I haven't gained much weight so far, I'm worried that my steady diet of donuts is about to backfire. Anyway, I may not be able to respond to your comments but I will be reading them while people stick needles in me and examine my hoohah.

It's a good day all around.

TV is the Scourge of Humanity (and Decorating)

Yesterday we thanked The Rev for such a beauteous day off, and then we hit the San Marcos outlets in search of treasure. Because shopping is about cultivating peace and understanding, right? If we hadn't actually found something worthy of the trip, I would be depressed that I live such a miserable and shallow existence. On the other hand, have you seen what was happening with our tv situation?


Also, WOW I really need to take some new pics of the house. But I am lazy and Ike is home sick, so no pictures today.

I suck.

Anyhow, this is what we bought to disguise our components and "blend in" with the wall. Say hello to the West Elm Niche buffet. It usually retails for $699, but we got it for $199 because it had a few tiny chips here and there. High five.

While I kept holding out for some amazing antique to come my way, it actually fits the space fairly well. And it was cheap, so when Better Half Ben figures out how to hide the components by running cable through 2x4s and bricks (probably never), I won't feel bad about abandoning ship.

Now I just need to figure out how to style this sucker.

I shamelessly stole this image from Naomi of Design Manifest's pinterest, which is a total douche move because she was probably planning to post it tomorrow but I need it NOW.

To put myself back in Naomi's good graces (fingers crossed), I'm showing her Ikea Rast hacks that she used as a tv credenza. Crafty as all get out. I'm thinking I should paint the hardware on the Niche gold, and then steal the shelf idea. Because I am a thief.

I find Celerie Kemble's tv set up both charming and hilarious. Should I just put a giant vase full of flowers in front of the tv, cross my fingers, and pray no one notices it's there? Awesome.

And then there's fabulous Laura Day. No matter how many times I post this picture, it's never enough. My take away from this image is to make sure I tune the tv to 2001 or A Clockwork Orange before I photograph it in situ. Oh, and to buy an amazing Ello mirrored credenza, stat.

File that one under #thingsthatwillneverhappen.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have some Downton Abbey to watch. Later, taters.

Things I Am Thinking About Buying On the Internets

It's that time of year, y'all -- the time of year when the whole world slows down to a snail's pace and everyone is on siesta time. That's because (at least in our neck of the woods) it's over 100 degrees outside and even walking out to the car forces a stinky sweat. I know you're too hot to contemplate big fancy posts about the design world and stupid trends blah blah blah, so instead I'm going to tell you about all the window shopping I've been doing from the comfort of my air conditioned home.

I really want this dumb craigslist headboard so I can just be done with the neverending no headboard drama, but these stupid bitches won't write me back. If it's not available, delete the post, people! Anyway, I'm still pretending they are going to let me pick up this king sized, gold leafed, wood carved goodness. For $100 no less.

tie dyed sheets

Then I will pair it with my new white duvet and these cutie pie tie dyed sheets from Overstock. I love so many of the colors, but I'm pretty sure only ivory, rose or black, would look good with my stuff/paint color. Guess which one I'm going to pick? $36 bam!

Moving on from the bedroom, it's time to replace our milk and cereal bar encrusted rug (thanks, Ike!).

I could buy the exact same leather braided rug we already have ($150 here), or I could shake things up... maybe like this.

Of course, who knows exactly what "this" is, since the picture is so craptacular? You're killing me, craigslisters. Anyway, if I buy a totally different rug, then I will need... other totally different stuff. You know how it goes.

I've been eying Ikea's Hovas sofa for a while now... it's so cheap! But it's white, and I explained what happened to the rug, right? But it's slipcovered! But will I ever wash said slipcover? Hmmmm. Has anyone ever sat on this sucker? What do we think about it?

ikea vago

Speaking of Ikea, they reissued the wildly popular Vago patio chairs (thanks to Modfrugal for the tip!), and I'm dying for a set, but our store doesn't stock them. I think you should all call your local congressman to complain.

And since I apparently only like black and white things (did you figure out which color sheets I want yet?), I'm thinking about running over to our local West Elm and picking up these blackened planters on sale. Or maybe I will just save myself some sweat and order them. I'm so environmentally aware.

Ok, maybe not, but I am aware that I'm lazy.

Stay cool, homies!