Design Crisis: Now 100% Zombie Free

If you tried to visit our site yesterday or the day before and were warned that zombies might bite your face off upon entrance, rest assured that the walking dead have been laid to rest. Ok, and we also promise that there are no viruses or malware here. Thanks to all of you who let us know about the red screen of death -- we spent the better part of a day working to delete comments and pingbacks that may have inserted nefarious code into our fair site. So if your comment got deleted somewhere and you're feeling all WTF?! about it: oops. Sorry about that.

But let's move on and look at some zombie free rooms, shall we?

no zombies

No zombies.

no zombies

No zombies.

Still no zombies.

Maaaaaaybe zombies...

But you know how Martyn Lawrence Bullard is...

He thinks eating human flesh is totally delicious.

[Frederic Malle, Chahan Minassian, Met Home via Chapman Interiors, Martyn Lawrence Bullard]