In Which I Humiliate Myself, AKA Video of My Nursery Tour on House Proud

You know how sometimes you see pictures of yourself, or hear recordings of your voice, or -- you know -- see yourself on tv, and wonder how the pod people managed to take over while you were sleeping? You know?


I suspect my parents will be confused when they discover I have transitioned from born and raised in east Texas to Jessica from Sweet Valley High (don't judge). Or maybe I always sound like that?! Either way, I need some elocution lessons.

Thankfully Luke is adorable and precious and pretty much steals the show. Plus Amy Hadley is utterly charming! If you live in Austin the segment will be airing on YNN today.

Enjoy the video and try not to hurl tomatoes at your screen.

Hot News

Wow. Summer is really slapping down my blogging mojo. I just can't bring myself to recount the long days spent wiping baby butts, fighting toddler tantrums and wilting in the triple digit heat, even though I know you're dying for every glamorous detail.

But I guess I do have, oh... a few little things going on. Things like this:

amy hadley ynn

If you squint your eyes you can see that's my living room with YNN tv anchor Amy Hadley standing smack dab in the middle of it. That's because she's running a new home and garden television series called House Proud and our humble home is going to be featured.


The promo started running on Time Warner Austin last Saturday, and Amy and her crew will be coming back next week to tape segments in the teal room and Luke's nursery.

And to interview me.

I would be cold sweat chills cramps nervous all day and night if Amy weren't so laid back and adorable. Just look at that cute face:

ynn tv decorating

I know, I know. It's blurry. I have a master's degree in photography but I can't seem to take a single clear picture with my freaking camera phone.


That hashtag says I was totally pressured into joining Instagram, so you can catch the breaking news in all its blurry glory right here.

I'm planning to blog more behind the scenes action as it unfolds, and perhaps between now and then I will learn something about photography. Taking pictures without a screaming kicking baby in my arms should help.

Don't worry, you will hear a lot more about my newfound fame and fortune. Probably you will hate me before the show even airs.

Some non sequitur housekeeping:

Pinterest has eaten all the pictures from a year's worth of previous posts and I can't figure out how to restore them... I can't even figure out what the pictures were to begin with. It's really awesome. I'm slowly re uploading broken links, but in the meantime I do apologize for the ugly old posts.

Also, I am revamping the back end of the blog and you may find that my permalinks have changed or that stuff has disappeared or that generally Design Crisis is heading down the slippery slope of neglect and ruin.

Rest assured everything will be shiny and newly ergonomic very soon. Or at least soonish.

And finally, I have gone a little berserk in the shopping department.

italian modern marbleKeep checking back for updates. Sooner or later these kids have to nap so I can blog, right?


Later, taters. Don't forget to slather on the sunscreen.