So for the last month +/- erin and I have been waxing poetic on all sorts of home goodness, but we have failed to mention a single thing to do with your walls. If you've got a craigslist budget but are hoping to pass on the 1920s french restaurant posters you may want to check out Tiny Showcase. Each 100 - 200 print run features work from up-and-coming artists and is priced to move. I'm talking like $20 a print, people. One new print is released each tuesday. As the site becomes more popular the runs sell out quickly, which means old fans like myself just don't buy as many pieces anymore. Sorry, after 3 years, I still forget to stay in on Tuesdays. Here are some of my favorites, and some of the ones I own:
clockwise from top left:
"Island" Nathan Abels
"Lucky" 1911
"On the Lounge" Marci Washington (possibly my fave tiny showcase artist)
Untitled, Julie Morstad
more from Marci Washington:
"the coming of darkness" and "the cannibal in his chamber" marci washington
2 of the prints I own, both by Jacob Goble: "here it comes" and "we are in trouble"
"poolside" leah giberson
"freestyle friends" matthew furie
another print I own, I'm loving his cross sections. "weaving" by Josh Keyes. My other favorite showcase artist.
On a side note, i once sent the tiny showcase dudes an email with the title of this post as the subject and, believe it or not, they never wrote back! Do you think they've heard it a hundred times, or do you think it's the funniest thing ever? Discuss.