Crazy Wallpaper Friday

Sounds like y'all are breathing a collective sigh of relief at avoiding yet another installment of Bob Ross' moustair. I know, I know. I've been a little crazy of late. But rest your eyes and cleanse your metaphorical palettes with these samplings by design house Mushaboom.

I planned for this series to feature papers that I love but wouldn't really use. These beauties, however, are strong powder room contenders. The patterns are large scale but dense enough not to feel monstrously overwhelming, the colors are juicy, and I love the psychedelic neotrad feel... maybe we should call it Acid Wasp?

My only hesitation is that these patterns are digitally printed, and I worry they may come off a little raster-rific rather than smooth and creamy dreamy. Anyone have experience with digitally printed wallpaper?

Hope you have a swell weekend... enjoy the calm before the holiday storm.

Crazy Wallpaper Friday

Now that I'm firmly ensconced in my "forever house" (as if such a thing existed for capricious creatures like me), I'm planning to wallpaper the bejeezus out of it. The entry shall get the royal treatment, as will the powder room, the upstairs hallway, and maybe the kids' rooms. Ok, almost every room is up for grabs. I have a little inspiration board going on at Pinterest with some of my best and brightest, and I thought y'alluns might like to behold some of my bolder choices. These are the papers that will probably (maybe?) never end up in my house, but I love looking at them.

I'm really into big scale wallpaper, and this Jordi Labanda pattern fulfills all my megalomaniacal desires. It's not the vibe I'm going for in my house, but I want someone else to do it and then invite me over for martinis so I can down a few and then stare into the face of god. Or, you know, some flowers. Martinis can do weird things sometimes.

Tune in next Friday for more funky wallpaper. Until then, may the floral force be with you!