Best Of A Bird Bunch

Hello Crisis-devotees, I'm Nath of le petit oiseau fame and my collection and obsession with birds is pretty much what got me into blogging, see here and, oh here. So, fittingly, I'd like to show you lots of beautiful birds. How does that sound? Right-ho, then here we go... We've established I like birds and so it seems I'm not alone, birds are all over the interweb like, erm, bird flu.

Owls - the bird du jour, or is the owl a bit over? Not for me, I love 'em. George Nelson designed this owl Zoo Timer clock in the 1950s, inspired by a night of doodling with Noguchi, you know, as you do.

Ostensibly for children, but I say why should they get all the fun? One of these would add a quirky graphic touch to any room.


Or how about one of these owl money boxes by Carlton Ware, designed in the 1960s.

Isn't he super-groovy? I can't think of a more deserving place for all my small change. Three in a row would be so dandy (and expensive)! And, I'd sure like to get my hands on one of these owl mugs, by John Clappison for Hornsea in the early seventies. Try H is For Home or ebay if you'd like to sip your morning herbal out of an owlish mug.

Looking around I came across this place, they sell 'fused light with a naturalist curiosity'. This owl nightlight would make a sweet and soft addition to any child's room or nursery.

For your walls, why not try Able, a design and branding firm outside Philadelphia who also design these handsome posters - here's Edmund - A Passionate Owl.

Perhaps you'd like your owls a touch more realistic, but still with vintage credentials? Look no further than this incredible resource. Ladybird book were a staple of my childhood, they covered a wide variety of topics from hobbies and crafts to travel and represent a social history of Britain in the 50s and 60s and now you can buy these beautiful illustrations as prints of all sizes.

The barn owl here is taken from A Second Book of British Birds, published in 1954. Is it possible to do a post on birds and not mention the mighty Charley Harper? It seems criminal not to. His work has received a lot of recent attention, but it doesn't diminish the power of his work for me. In a style he called "minimal realism", he captured the essence of his subjects with as few as possible elements. And boy, did he.

Birch Bark and Birds - Nuthatches - print available here


We were given this reissued 1974 classic book for Christmas and love it as I do, it's all I can do to resist tearing all the pages out to stick up all over my walls. (I never would actually do this, it would be totally sacrilegious wouldn't it?)

Speaking of walls, wallpaper can be a good way to add an avian accent to a room. We have this in our bedroom.

Weirdly, I didn't realise that they were peacock feathers at the time of purchase. I know, wtf? But, it's okay, I do now.

I like this paper too, it's Daydream by Julia Rothman, it's been doing the rounds in blue, but I rather like the muted softness of the pinkish grey.


This would work well in a bedroom, transforming it into more of a dark and sultry boudoir.. Available here for a very reasonable price.

So, did you enjoy that little fly-by posting? If you're hungry for more, why not follow my blog or check out my shop? Until the next post, then, I'll leave you with a little best-of compilation of some other birdy treasures around my home.

Thanks to Erin and Karly for having me over - it's been a lotta fun!

Rainbow Brite

Hello, darling readers of Design Crisis!  Your hair looks fantastic today. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Tula and I’m usually turning tricks on a blog called WHORANGE.  Like many of you, I rely heavily upon my daily Design Crisis fix to get me out of bed and through the day.  Therefore, when Erin and Karly asked me to be a guest blogger, I felt like an addict being given the keys to the crack house Miss America - honored, delighted, and ready to embark upon a glamour-filled journey.

But, before I launch into the talent portion of the competition, I would like to acknowledge the little fellow who made my debut today possible -- Erin’s newborn son.  Welcome to this world, handsome guy.  You’ve got yourself a tremendously talented, witty, and inspiring mom who is admired both internationally and intergalactically.  And that Karly lady she hangs around with ain’t too bad either.

That being said, let’s sparkle, shall we?

Today's inspiration comes to us from a ditty made famous by my hero -- Judy Garland.  Judy was a troubled gal with a million dollar voice and Hollywood at her fingertips.  In other words...she’s just like us. Please sing along if you know the lyrics.

Somewhere over the…

Yep, you got it.

Rainbow Reproduction.  Making rainbows is an arduous task and one that unicorns do not take lightly.  The combination of carnal chemistry and heavenly lighting is key and extremely rare, but the result is pure magic.  Chris Bishop's educational "Afternoon Delight" is the perfect way to say "I love you" and dispel the myth that rainbows are born of raindrops and sunshine.

Rainbow Kicks.  With the long trek ahead of us, let's pick out some sensible shoes, shall we?   Salvatore Ferragamo's colorful collection ranges from practical platforms to fancy flats.  Since comfort is key, I'll slip on the platforms.

Cue music...

Rainbow Rockers.  As we all know, rainbows and rock stars go together like whiskey and rehab.  Jason Munn of The Small Stakes takes a page from the psychedelic 60s and spins it modern with his vibrant screen prints.  Is anybody else getting the munchies?

Rainbow Cravings.  Remember, you are what you eat.  Therefore, eat pretty.  (Macarons by Paulette.)

Rainbow Poop.  And, poop pretty.

Please, take your time.  No rush.  I'll just be in the next room reading my favorite novel...

Rainbow Wisdom:  If only I could remember what color it was.  A wise person once said, "Color-sorting your bookshelf may look pretty as a pony, but it's as practical as a Pinto."

That wise person was me.  Could have sworn that book was leopard print.  Maybe I'll find it in here...

Rainbow reading.  The Kid's Republic Library in Beijing stocks picture books from all over the world and provides plenty of technicolor hideaways and colorful corridors for tiny readers.   However, something tells me the library doesn't supply these...

Rainbow Rings.  Kiddie coloring meets fabulous finger fashion with Timothy Liles crayon rings.  Speaking of art...

Rainbow Post-Modern.  Yves Klein and Jasper Johns once channeled their inner rainbows with "Yves Peintures" and "0-9".  I think I've found the perfect place to hang them, too...

Rainbow Room.  Designer extraordinaire Gio Ponti knew how to craft a colorful crib and even created the design magazine Domus, which ran from 1928-1999, to show us how.  (Thanks for the tip, Mr. Peacock!)

Rainbow Respite.  These Ferragamos are killing me, people.  One moment please as I rest on this bench.

Rainbow Relaxation.  Speaking of rest, I took a trip to Yosemite over the 4th of July and it looked nothing like this.   Perhaps I should go back in the Fall.   (Illustrations by Scott Hansen.)

Okay, I'm back on my feet.  Let's hustle...

Rainbow Enlightenment.  Did you know that if you close your eyes and envision two unicorns humping, a rainbow will shoot from your third eye?  It's true!

Go ahead and try it.  I'll wait.  (Illustration by Brandi Strickland.)

Rainbow Misfire.  But, keep your third eye trajectory away from the cats!

Illustration by nutandbee

We've finally made it -- the end of the rainbow!  Thank you for taking this journey with me, lovely denizens of Design Crisis.  Sorry, there isn't a pot of gold, field of green, or pocket gnome for you to take home.  Sadly, all that's here is the cold, hard reality of what happens when you indulge too much in a good thing.

Stay pretty, darlings!


Lightning Only Strikes the Same Place a Thousand Times

We are experiencing a major drought here in Texas.  My once lush green lawn is now on life support and with the city's water restrictions the prognosis isn't good.  Everyone in the lone star state has their hands clasped together in prayer for some serious serious sky water.  So, I'm not sure if I just have rain on the brain or if there really is a lightning bolt trend happening out there in the rest of the irrigated world.

This glorious wallpaper has been in my office wall inspiration folder for some time now.  I've written about the magic of Minakani wallpaper before and my love for them has only grown stronger since releasing this design.  Since my office renovation is scheduled to start next week (I'm doing it myself and just took a couple days off) I've had this design on my mind.

Then, low and behold, I spotted this genius art piece on one of my favorite blogs Me Melodia:

If ever I had the need to have a urinal in my home, it would most certainly be this Duchamp knockoff with lightning bolts by Hellovon.

Bombarded by TWO badass lightning bolt images, I decided to super sleuth the possible trend to see what else I could find.  Here's what I dug up:

Admittedly, much of what I found was clothing - but doesn't fashion usually preempt home decor?  There were gazillions of lightning bolt earrings, so, assuming that you've probably already seen them, I excluded them and only picked the best of the best.  This Miss Miln Lightning Dress from Asos certainly takes the cake.  If I had my way I would buy it and time warp back to 199X so I could wear it to the prom, then maybe I would have had a good time.  Note to self:  find a new date, too.

This lightning bolt skirt is feeding my craving for all things bright yellow.  And short.  At only $30 from Karma Loop, I think it just may become mine.  How rad would I look in my new lightning bolt office with this skirt?  It's totally work appropriate, right?

Don't worry dudes, I did find a few lightning items that will dress up your den, not your booty.  Like this watercolor from Etsy user HellsSewingCircle

Or this stamp set from another etsy artist, WhimsyByJess.  Get a load of that green background, pretty rad, Aye?

This laptop cover by another etsy user MichelleChristina will trendify your mac lighning quick

And finally, one last fashion image.  Sorry, but I thought it was too cute to pass up.  Etsy user Aeon's lightning tee

Real quick like I want to say Thanks so much to Waxyhearts for her awesome guest post yesterday and Jen for her yellow, black and white roundup on Friday!  Stay tuned this week for lots of fun and excitement:  Tomorrow Even Cleveland will be ripping your heart out with some to-die-for-designs.  I'll pose a design question for the ages on Thursday and Friday you really really won't want to miss:  our own Mrs. Erin will be dropping by to give you all an update on la bambino and to finally make a public reveal of his little name.  Sadly, it's not Berin.
