Slumdog Bazillionaire

You deserve a break today -- a break from my annoying, self centered preoccupation with silly paint problems. Ok, I'm also super busy with real life stuff, and I'm currently too tired to attempt painting with a toddler attached to my leg. Don't worry, I haven't lost my obsessive streak (is that even possible?). I have a date with Sanders this afternoon to crystallize my plans for world domination, and I hope to have a mostly revamped nursery by the end of the weekend. Right now I just need something interesting to nudge me towards completion... Something exciting! Something crazy! Something like this:

Marie Claire Maison

I'm sorry, but why did I not think to create Ike a Bollywood themed bedroom? I love the little beds with Ettore Sottsass paint jobs.

On another note, I want to say, Hey! Thanks! For writing in with your thoughtful comments. You've all been such good, helpful listeners. Maybe you have problems that you need to unload? Tell Mama all about it.

I Don't Usually Like Purple, But I Might Be OK With This

I always counted purple as my least favorite color, mostly because it makes me look like have the stomach flu. But I'm developing a thing for rich aubergines and eggplants. Have I just succumbed to marketing since Benjamin Moore has forecasted Vintage Wine to be the color of 2011? Maybe. But at least I'm not falling for Pantone's bile inducing pick, Honeysuckle (also, do they not know that honeysuckle is YELLOW not pink?!).

Marie Claire Maison

Look how kapow bam! dark purple is paired with marigold yellow. That cat knows what's the bizness.

I don't know about you dudes, but I desperately need a nap after surviving the first week back from holiday. If I'm not back by Monday afternoon, somebody sound the alarm. Happy weekend!