Color Color on the Wall, Who's the Fairest of Them All?

Yesterday I threw my old ass back out. Not content to just chillax and watch tv (ok, actually I already blew through all of my Project Runway back episodes) I've been whiling away the hours supine on the couch, browsing the internets with laser like focus. I need to pick a paint color for our great room. Yes Sanders already picked one for me and I know he's going to be right, but I just wouldn't be me if I didn't hem and haw and try to second guess him.

white room

Thanks in part to your feedback, I've finally reconciled myself to the fact that white is going to look barfy in that shady room. I realized that I want white so badly because I have a fear of commitment -- white plays well with everyone.

white room

And also because it loves to play with itself. Heh.

pink room

Plus I am kind of a colorphobe. This room is actually awesome, but if I had to live here I would wake up with the hives every morning.

So what I'm struggling with is, do I just pick a neutral? I think I have this fear that it's going to go flat, dingy, or Martha Stewart on me. I really wish I could paper the whole room in gold grasscloth (yes I know the picture above is not grasscloth), but with 18 ft ceilings there is just no freaking way.

Or do I pick a pale color to give the room a little something something?

Here is the room again for reference. I want to wash that suburban band aid right out of my hair.

What color is your living room painted? Do you love it?

[Elle Decor, Wreckorated, Ad Russia x2, Elle Decor]

Sanders Gibbs, Superhero at Large

Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane -- it's Sanders! Austinites from all over the city regularly travel down south to meet with Sanders, the super skilled, superhero of paint. Readers of this very blog have even benefited from his knowledge by taking advantage of Sanders' expertise in our Ask Sanders column. And today this interview I conducted with him near the start of our working relationship is being featured over here by Benjamin Moore. That's because Sanders is the man.

Karly and I have worked with Sanders for years, and without his super help, I'm not sure either of us would have ever painted a single wall. But just look how awesome our houses turned out:

Karly's nursery -- a symphony in Harbor Gray (and lots of other colors).

My house -- painted with Abalone gray and BM's gold metallic paint.

You can check out the rest of our houses here and here to see some of Sanders' other perfect paint choices. That's right. I said the P word.

Did I mention that Sanders is also a nice guy and fun to hang out with?

Here he is with Ike when Ike was just a little shrimp. Sanders has two kids of his own, including a six month old, so he never gets mad when Ike won't stop messing with the water dispenser at the store.

If you don't live in Austin -- well you're missing out on Sanders' charm, that's for sure. But you can still write in with your questions, which we will review for inclusion in our ongoing Ask Sanders column. Just drop us a line at and we'll see what we can do.

See? Sanders transcends space and time. He really is a superhero.

Slumdog Bazillionaire

You deserve a break today -- a break from my annoying, self centered preoccupation with silly paint problems. Ok, I'm also super busy with real life stuff, and I'm currently too tired to attempt painting with a toddler attached to my leg. Don't worry, I haven't lost my obsessive streak (is that even possible?). I have a date with Sanders this afternoon to crystallize my plans for world domination, and I hope to have a mostly revamped nursery by the end of the weekend. Right now I just need something interesting to nudge me towards completion... Something exciting! Something crazy! Something like this:

Marie Claire Maison

I'm sorry, but why did I not think to create Ike a Bollywood themed bedroom? I love the little beds with Ettore Sottsass paint jobs.

On another note, I want to say, Hey! Thanks! For writing in with your thoughtful comments. You've all been such good, helpful listeners. Maybe you have problems that you need to unload? Tell Mama all about it.