You Guys Know More About Lamps Than Me. Period.

Hidey Ho everyone!!  I am almost ashamed to show my face around these parts, what with all the CRAZY INSANE HUGE HELP you all were with my mondo-lamp dilemma last week.  Erin told me you dudes would be able to find the lamp of my dreams but she didn't mention that you would find the 1,012 lamps of my dreams.  Seriously, it's kinda amazing.  So amazing that I won't let your hard work go for naught and instead will be rootin tootin your lamp finding skills today.  right here.  on this blog.  right now. let's go.

In case you've forgotten, I was looking for these million dollar lamps for (far less than) half of a a million pennies.

Here's what you found:

Colleen, E. and NKP all have me drinking the kool-aide from team wo and we

Everything out of this French design house is amazeballz (do people still say that?) but the Applique Potence Industrielle Ajustable in particular is insane in the membrane.  (Ok, I know people no longer say that) and at 325 Euros, the price is pretty great too.

Commenter KVH pointed me to her friends studio: Yes Cincinnati

The Pivoting crane light is excellent at an even more excellent price (ahem!  $99 for the 3 foot model)  With a variety of sizes, I strongly encourage you lamp-hungry dudes to check it out pronto.

Elizabeth of Modern 24/7 sent me this (seriously you guys are really out doing yourselves)

The Anita lamp from KMP Furniture is a steal at $245 for EIGHTY INCHES of lamp.  It's too big for my kitchen, but I feel like I could find a place for this somewhere.  It's soooo gooood

Kate and Rye tipped me off to Atelier de Troupe, which is pretty badass all-around but wins gold stars for their a de t 'potence' bronze jib lamp

Oh yes, me likey.

MB from the Big D.  (That's Dallas to you non-Texans B-T-dubs) pointed out that Restoration Hardware is sporting quite the lamp selection as well.  They have a flash site with embedded images so you're going to have to go over there to see the lovelies there for yourself.  I'm too lazy to download and re-upload.  Sorry.  But I do LOVE the lights so it's worth the mouse click.  promise.  Here and Here

Long-time-reader Alison of Lipstick on Your Teeth knows my test well and sent a link to workstead

they too have flashy images so you will have to cruise over after you're done reading my brilliant and amazing post.  Worth it.  Totes.

Cassie, Rosenatti and NKP all gave a shout out to One Forty Three on Etsy:

Here is his totally amazing and totally affordable Potence Lamp as seen on The Brick House

Kathy at My Interior Life and Jenny over at My Favorite and My Best pretty much nailed it with this West Elm find:

Their Long-Arm Wall Sconce is simply awesome at only $99.

So which will I choose?  Hmmm... did I mention I'm even worse at making decisions than I am at finding lamps on my own?  Ok, I promise to keep you posted.

But for realz ya'll, thanks for all the amazing links, every single one of you sent something fantastic.  Seriously, you're simply the best.  better than all the rest.  better than anyone.  anyone I've ever met.