Woodn't this be a great title for a post about Wood

Sorry about that title.  I just wasted 5 mintues of my life googling clever sayings and song titles with the word wood in them.  My bucket list is really coming along nicely.  Not.  I do not have a bucket list and if I did I would come up with a better name for it.  Even if it meant I had to spend TEN minutes googling clever sayings and song titles.  What does all this have to do with today's post?  Nothing, except those are all words that you are reading in today's post.  capiche? Anyway, today I'm showing you (an even number of rooms crazy erin) with wood in them.  why?  because my house is finally looking like it may be close to done and there's not really much wood anywhere so of course all I want now is wood and I want to redo my house.  Let's do this:

And boom goes the dynamite.  I know I'm giving away Christmas right out of the gate with this one but who can resist.  It's magically unstoppable.  I want to eat fancy reconfigurations of comfort food at this table until my head explodes.  Note, it will explode from laughter because I will probably be hanging out with some really funny people.

After my hilarity laugh riot meal of ecstasy I will climb these stairs to burn off all those calories.  ha ha no i won't.  I will turn and look at these stairs and think about what a genius i was for building them.*

*i did not build these stairs.  Please do not write and ask me how i did it.**

**some people actually write and ask us dumb shit like this.  can you believe it?

This perfect potty belongs to furniture designer J.B. Blunk.  He, unlike me with the stairs, carved that sink out of redwood.  Write him and ask your goofy questions, weirdos.

This is old and I don't know what it is but i do know that it is awesome.  I do have an obsessive blog partner who can probably tell you who's house this is, when it was built and how long, down to the minute, they took to furnish it.  You can write her too, she loves mail.

picture 1, picture 2, picture 3, picture 4 is unknown source

P.S. I would like to note that 99% of you who write us are awesome and amazing, please don't take offense to this post.  But there is the 1% out there who will email us with questions like "how did you make that couch" without 1.  letting me know which couch they are talking about and 2. realizing that I am not, in fact, a couch maker.   99%, keep it coming. Love and kisses