Sailing the Seas Of Cheese

No time for a big fancy post because I'm busy preparing to head out and visit family for the holidays, but I do have time for this:

I've got food on the brain, y'all, but I'm nowhere near as obsessed with it as photographer Carl Warner. Check out his mega insane staged photos all created from tabletop models constructed entirely of edibles.

Eat your heart out, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Yes, pun intended.

See you dudes next week. Hope you have a fantastic holiday!

A Macy's Parade I Can Get Behind

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!  I know I was supposed to take the day off but, through a random, and rather boring, sequence of events i managed to collect quite a few vintage Macy's parade photos.  I thought they were all pretty cool - much more scary and therefore awesome than today's fodder - so I thought I'd toss them up for you to enjoy while you're waiting for the Turkey to cook.

Happy long weekend / thanksgiving / black friday!!

Turkey Lurkey

Happy Turkey Day, everyone! If you're reading this post, it's probably late at night and your bellies are full of stuffing and tryptophan. I'm going to keep it short since I'm in Texarkana visiting family, but I thought I would post some pictures from Thanksgiving last year, and you all can just imagine that I'm doing pretty much the same thing today.


This is the bunkhouse at our farm, where we have Thanksgiving every year. Can you see where my design inspiration comes from?


Our farm is about 450 acres of pecan trees. And cows. And some lakes. And a beach on the Red River. Except for the cows (and their patties) and the bird-sized mosquitoes, it's heaven on earth.


Tractors and ATVs live in here. Yee haw!


Someone always has a new toy to play with, most of which make my Mamaw very nervous. But cuttin' stuff is fun.

shootin stuff

So is shootin' stuff.


When it's too dark to shoot anymore, it's time to go home.

So what did you do today and where did you do it? Were there any exciting drunken family escapades? Please feel free to describe them in detail. I'm nothing if not nosy.