What I Learned at SXSW 2011

SX this year was an epic, traffic jammed affair. We stood in lines too long, walked too far, and drank way too much beer. My hair is a tangled beehive of dried out straw and my head is still stuffed full of cotton batting, but I have survived to bring you this year's report. Let's do this. #1. Toro Y Moi is preparing to take over the world. If you don't already have the latest album, go buy it. Now. These kids are a funked up MGMT and they're good. Also, I have no idea what's in his mouth.


#2. Fader sucks balls. I will never stand in a line this long to attend a show where the bar closes before the last act takes the stage ever again. PS: that's not even half of the line.

#3. The Smith Westerns are assholes, but they're cute assholes. Most of this band isn't even old enough to drink, so I'm inclined to give them a pass... for now. Weren't you a jerk when you were 19? Aren't you lovely and refined now? Plus they have really pretty hair and they rock. This song is from their old album, but it brought down the house at the DeVille.


#4. Short shorts really aren't that flattering. The glaring Texas sun is not kind to our thighs, ladies -- not even if you're lucky enough to be super skinny. I don't think we need any pictures to illustrate this point, do we? Let's just agree that we don't and move on.

#5. If you don't have these shoes, you may be the only one left in the world. They look pretty cute with dresses, actually.

#6. This is coming back. I do not approve.

#7. Avoid the big buzz shows like the plague. I'm so glad I didn't brave a crowd 25,000 people strong to see The Strokes' free show. By all accounts, it was a tramplefest of sprained ankles and bruises. Hell no, I won't go.

#8. Wanda Jackson is the Queen of Rockabilly. Most of the bands we saw were fronted by 20 year olds, but age and experience have their place, too. Her new album was produced by Jack White, and it's a bold offering from a lady with gravitas purring from every note of her gravelly voice.

I should probably come up with numbers 9 and 10, but I'm too tired and hungover. If you were there, feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions.

Sleep now, back tomorrow with some interesting new developments in the real estate saga...

Happy Mick Jagger Day

If it seems like I've been phoning in my posts all week, it's because I kinda have been. The inlaws arrived last Sunday and are staying until today (woo hoo for free babysitting!). Meanwhile I have a raging sinus infection, tons of work to do, and SXSW has been going on this week. So if I owe you an email, or if I haven't commented on your blog, please accept my apologies.

Mick would like to make it up to you.

You can't be mad at Mr. Pouty Pants, and so by proxy you can't be mad at me.

Happy weekend!

[Magnus Marding, Elle Decor, James McInroe]


Brace yourself for lots of ranting, because yesterday was the lamest SXSW experience I have ever had, and that includes doing day parties while pregnant last year. Remember how I was supposed to go see all kinds of awesome bands and then hang with Snoop Dog at Perez Hilton's kick ass night party? Well, screw that. First it rained and lightninged all over the place, driving me to skip the day parties. Then I waited for THREE HOURS in the longest line I have ever seen in my life, in really really really cold wind (like literally freezing. In Austin. WTF?), only to get all the way to the head of the line and be told that the venue was at capacity. This was the worst organized, most poorly planned event I have ever attended, EVER. EVER. EVER. Next year I am applying for press credentials, which is what I should have done this year, but Momnesia made me forget how crazy and overhyped this party always is. Don't worry -- the night was not a total bust. My friends made it awesome by ordering me a fake birthday dessert for no particular reason, and then accompanying me to The Highball bowling lounge for a nightcap, which was pretty rad.

austin highball

Austin Chronicle

Austin's hippest designer Joel Mozersky consulted on the interiors for the Highball, and true to form, the lounge is as comfy/flashy as his other venues. Too bad the pics aren't as flashy. (Note to JM: call me! You need to hire me to shoot your interiors, stat.)

highball austin

Hello there, Hip Hop karaoke lounge.

With its tufted banquettes, David Hicksian mirrored walls, and sputnik lights, the Highball oozes retro glamor, dontcha think?

Karly worked with Mozersky on Bird's Barbershop's Eastside location, which you can check out here, and you can also see pictures from some of his projects in another post she wrote here. If you don't feel up to click clacking all around the web to see his work, don't fret. I've got a mini update of some of his latest work for you.

la condesa

la condesa

La Condesa

the madison

the madison

joel mozersky

The Madison. Check out that Fornasetti wallpaper!

peacock lounge

The Peacock

dixie chicks loft

dixie chicks loft

Dixie Chicks loft featured in Met Home.

That's pretty much all I've got for today, because staying up late in the freezing wind, changing out of my pajamas, AND wearing mascara, was a huge shock to my system. I am one sleepy kitten.

kitten sleepy

I'm going to rest up and see you dudes on Wednesday.