Longo Follow Up, Follow Up

My mind is drawing a blank in the whole "words" department, which makes the fact that I've decided to do 2 posts today even more perplexing.  I'll spare you the agony of reading my forced sentences and let my pictures speak their 1,000 words, well, with some exceptions. In a follow-up to Erin's post yesterday, I wanted to show you these Longo knockoffs:

Rather than committing suicide, this stockbroker is harnessing the power of grayskull

These two are basking in the glory of their own hotness.

This is all the product of a collaboration between Zach Johnson and photographer Don Flood.  Flood's portfolio shows these fashion photographs:

Imagine this spread in any major fashion magazine right now (it must have been in one?).  It's kinda perfect, right?  But as soon as you take the models away from their stark white backgrounds and start painting a bunch of fluff around them, you loose all that is Longo.  The loss would be fine if the nod to their predecessor begot something fantastic, or something even better than the original, but those doodely dads up at the top are just plain silly.  Sometimes well-enough really should be left alone.

Real-life-honest-to-god interiors coming your way later.

Update: Spendy Art is Trendy Art

It's such a perfect day here in Austin -- the sun is shining, birds are singing, and I should be outside planting fall trees, but no. Huh uh. I'm huddled in front of the computer screen, waiting for last night's vodka to relax its greasy fingers and release my poor pounding head. The upside? My Obsessive Computer Disorder always reaches epic proportions in the fever pitch of my worst hangovers, and as a result, I found this on the Domino website:

robert longo

Another Robert Longo sighting! All five of you who have been reading DC since the very beginning know I have a wee fixation with Art trend spotting, and months ago I wrote a post on the flurry of Longo prints that were cropping up in interiors. For the vast legions of our new readers, time to review:


Seriously -- how apropos are these 80's Longo lithographs of suicidal stockbrokers? Remind you of anything?


(Thanks to the lovely Raina at If The Lampshade Fits for this excellent montage)

But wait! There's more! While some folks may be downsizing or downright panicking about market volatility as a financial harbinger of the end of days, others are comforted by the fact that art is always a sound investment... Right? Right???!

klein table

Architect Peter Marino's clients certainly seem to think so, as the now ubiquitous Yves Klein table continues to make its rounds in the homes of the well heeled. A few months ago I chronicled the rise of the Klein blue table in tony interiors, like the home of design superstars Yabu and Pushelberg:

yabu pushelberg

But if you'd like to review, check out the post here, where you'll find such gems as this quote by designer David Netto: "You're not living until you have an Yves Klein coffee table." Newsflash -- I'm dead! Well, that explains the tremendous headache and dizziness, now accompanied by nausea. Thanks!

Suddenly, though, I am struck by the thought that an Yves Klein coffee table might not be such a bad investment after all.

klein gold table

Just make sure you get the one stuffed with 24 karat gold flakes.

Everyone Do the Longo

Remember Wall Street in the shining chrome-plated 80's? Impeccably dressed stock brokers raked in millions through day trading while repeating the corporate mantra, "greed is good," with zombiesque vacancy. And for the privileged few, living in a pressure cooker meant a penchant for Oliver Peoples glasses, Valentino suits, Crane's calling cards, and glass walled apartments overlooking Central Park, much like Patrick Bateman, anithero of Bret Easton Ellis' brilliant satire of elegant 80's excess, American Psycho.

american psycho

(Ok, I need to get this off my chest: this is the part of the film where Christian Bale/Patrick Bateman talks about how much he likes Phil Collins, which almost (but not quite) ruined Christian Bale's uber hotness for me because I REALLY HATE PHIL COLLINS. SUSSU SUCK ON THIS, PHIL.)

But I digress. Bateman's tastefully minimal apartment swathed in white, beige and white -- all the better to showcase the housekeeper's skills as well as his ultra luxurious accoutrements -- represents the apex of 80's wealthy urban living. That and his life-sized Robert Longo lithographs.

longo montage

Images courtesy of the artist at Artnet.

Much has already been made about the dark side of 80's greed. There's Patrick Bateman himself, a self-imagined psychotic killer, Less Than Zero's protagonist who dies of cocaine overdose in a hyperfast society driven by glamor and wealth, and then there are Longo's prints of corporate archetypes writhing against the confines of their high pressure lifestyles.

So what does it say about the state of our current society and economy that prints from Longo's Men in the Cities series have recently made a comeback on the walls of today's well-heeled homes?

longo scheerer

Tom Scheerer, master of all things beige and white, used two original Longo prints as focal points in this extremely tasteful dining room. Snark aside, I actually love it, possibly because I have been reprogrammed to URGENTLY NEED light light walls by the recent blitz of white washed everything, or possibly because the macabre side of me might enjoy the choking feeling that would come from looking at that print while eating. Perhaps it would help with portion control.

Moving on to more Longo sightings:

longo montage

Left image from Domino, spotted on M.A. Belle's lovely blog, Right image from Interior Design.

That's Gretchen, and she's had a tough day. I think she is a popular choice because Gretchen's a little less edgy than some of the more obviously distressed people, and her black dress and heels are classic and therefore still au courant. In other words, she's pretty and I'd have her in my bedroom any day. Heh heh.

The latest sighting was over at Apartment Therapy, at least I think this is a Longo:

longo red

It sure looked better in its natural beige habitat, didn't it? Way too much contrast here. Maybe there is a point to having white walls, you know, other than to highlight my lack of obsessive cleaning and all of the imperfections in my 40 year old walls, not to mention the lower than 20 foot high ceilings and complete nonexistence of decorative woodwork. Sigh.

The good news is that Longo's prints are not completely unattainable. Well, the original 70" tall lithographs are (unless you have 5-7k earmarked for artwork, in which case, why don't you send some of that sweet sweet love my way, pretty please?), but the posters are quite affordable and while they're substantially smaller, they still have graphic impact. Lithographs and reproductions are available through Bird Fine Art, as well as through Ebay.

If you care to send me a pair of prints, I think I'd like Larry and Ellen here:

ellen larry

So tortured and ironic. What do you think? Could you find a place in your home to do the Longo?