Tacky Is as Travel Does

This weekend Erin & I cruised the City Wide Garage Sale with Jen Perkins.  The find of the day wasn't a life-sized hot pink horse sculpture (I wish!) but rather, it came in the form of a hot travel tip from madam Perkins herself:  The Madonna Inn.  Easily the tackiest hotel west of the Mississippi (fact, South of The Border wins the East-Coast title) the Madonna Inn is not named after the Material Girl, but it certainly is, ahem, la Isla Bonita:

Room 206, Old Mill

110 Unique rooms make up this Shangri La in San Louis Obispo.  Most of the rooms are constructed using rocks mined from local quaries, which results in such breathtaking spreads as these:

Room 204, American Home

Room 191, Misty Rock

Room 130 Yosemite Rock

Room 153, Swiss Rock

Room 143, Rock Bottom

Room 157, Traveler's Suite

Room 141, Madonna Suite

Incase you don't want to mix spelunking with your slumbering, or you're still having nightmares from watching The descent (like me!) there are plenty of light rock rooms for your vacationing pleasure:

Room 134 Lucky Rock

Room 136, Villa Rock

Room 180, Traveler's Yacht

Room 183 Love Nest (Eat your heart out, Jaime Hayon)

And don't worry, when your tummy starts growling, you don't have to leave the dream behind, the dining room looks like this:

Now, don't let the fake plants, dark wood and horrid 70s photography get you down, this tack-a-licious delight is totally slumber worthy.  Given the choice between The Madonna Inn and a La Quinta, I'd pick this joint faster than you could say Touched For the Very First Time.

So, what do you say?  When we go on our blog-wide vacation, which room will you stay in?