Holiday Gift Guide - Under $25

I know, I know, you all are sick of Christmas stuff all over the entire world wide web and you were really hoping that your cynical friends over at Design Crisis would rise above it.  Sorry.  Not only am I bringing you an under $25 round-up, we're going to be Holiday-Guiding it up all week long.  Recession woes got you down?  Today's your day.  Save up a few grand for the holidays?  Check back mid-week.  Living off inherited cash from Daddy's oil well?  Stop back by on Friday. Unfortunately, I fall into the first category.  Plus, I subscribe to the one for them / one for me school of holiday shopping, so I have to keep the numbers down.  Let's round this up already, shall we?

(I am actually writing this late sunday night, and I am as tired as can be, so, today, in exchange for snarky comments, you're getting bullet-point links.  Sorry, and I still love you).  (also, handmade items are noted, hooray!)

1. (HANDMADE) The Middletons Plate Set  2 plates = $24

2. Areaware Pico Bunny Pillow $24 

3. Red Cross Doormat $25  (I have this and LOVE it!)

4. Areaware Pico Blue Penguin Pillow $24

1. (HANDMADE) Dot Bowl in Felted Wool one bowl, $14

2. (HANDMADE) Small Faux Bois Vessel $25

3 & 4. (HANDMADE) Skinny Laminx Tea Towels $12 each

1. Raised By Wolves organic cotton onesie $16

2. (HANDMADE) Whistle Bear, mounted paper cut out, $26 (hey, what's one extra dollar?)

3. (HANDMADE) Naughty Secretary Club Abe Was A Babe Necklace $22

4. (HANDMADE) Play With Me Leather Earrings $26

5. (HANDMADE) Early Eve Elephant, mounted paper cut out, $26

6. (HANDMADE) Monogram Totebag (they have every letter) size small, $22

7. (HANDMADE) Baseball Cuff $25

1 & 2. Prints by William Crump at 20 x 200, $20

3 & 4. (HANDMADE) Prints by Restless Things, $4 & $17.50

(HANDMADE) 2009 Calendar  $25

1. Catalina Estrada Wallet $20 

2. Detail of Catalina Estrada Wallet

3. Seibei Strange Invaders T-Shirt $22

4. Knife Wall Hook $25

And, finally, if you want to know what to get me for under $25:

D.I.Y. Swan Ice Sculpture Kit, $20.  Booya