More Good Cheap Art (And It's Not Even Neon)

I am an art hoarder, and it's becoming a problem. I literally have racks and stacks of original paintings, antique prints, vintage posters -- I love it all as long as it's good. I tell myself I NEED it because I have acres of pale, lonely sheetrock that must be filled. Nature abhors a vacuum, right? Art to the rescue.

As many of you know, I did time in art school so I am kind of a picky snob about what goes on my walls. I'm not above quirky vintage charm, but if I'm hanging contemporary art it has to be on point... yet cheap. I'm not exactly Saatchi and Saatchi, displaying my Damien Hirsts alongside my Cy Twomblys. Enter Society 6, 20x200's cheaper (and still operating? wtf?!) cousin.

I'm not gonna lie... a lot of the art on Society 6 is just cheesy digital stuff with words on it. Sorry, guys. I'm not saying you can't make art with Adobe Illustrator, but it's not easy -- definitely not as easy as the sheer volume of digital art would indicate.

society 6

When I'm buying prints from places like Society 6 I try to buy things that were originally created as two dimensional works designed to be reproduced, and that usually means photographs. Or in the case of Beth Hoeckel, collages created from photos.

society 6

This one is maybe a litte homage to John Baldessari. AMAZING in a girl's room.

society 6

I'm thinking about buying this for our bedroom. Kind of a cross between Richard Hamilton and bauhaus collage.

society 6

I would kill to see this in a super refined space. The colors are amazing and it could totally be a room maker.

society 6

I am devastated this only comes in 17" square, because I have a client who needs this to be 40x40... I may even email the artist to request another size.

I've ordered prints from Society 6 before and was pleasantly surprised at the print quality. Everything is on heavyweight matte (almost watercolor) paper and the inks are fairly saturated.

The prints are open edition, so these aren't investments the way 20x200's signed editions are. However, if you need cheap awesome art for your wall, here it is.

society 6

society 6

All art by Beth Hoeckel. Buy it here.


Tune in next week for an AMAZING wallpaper giveaway! Like, a ton of wallpaper.

It's going to be supercallafragelisticexbealladocious good.

Happy weekend and stuff.







The Best Product Images In The History of the World

Ok, I know that usually this is an interiors blog where we enjoy the best and brightest of interior porn.  BUT, technically, since the blog is called design crisis, sometimes we dabble in other arenas, fancying ourselves worldly enough to talk about such things as art and graphics and music.  Well, today I'm pretty sure we have our first ever fashion related post and I bring this to you not because I know (or care) a thing about fashion but because the product presentation in this campaign is BEYOND WORDS.  It's Dadaism meets Robert Palmer meets Pop Art meets Bear Grylls.  So, to say the least, it's totally rocking my face off.  Shall we?

Ka-Pow!  I was having a hard time deciding which image to start with, but I figured egg on the head was as good as any.  Oh, also there are earrings in this image and they are by Alexis Bittar.  More More More!

There are a lot of animals happening here, which you know sends my heart racing 6-ways-to-sunday.  Is there anything better than a cat photoshopped to do something human?  Or, say, a zebra wearing a couch for a hat?  I didn't think so.

That concludes the animal portion of our program.  But wait!  There's more!

So awesome


catalogue collage

Hello fellow Design Crisis followers, it's Melody of me melodia. I am so pleased to be doing a tiny guest spot here. You design savvy, forward thinking hussies are fantastic. I kinda racked my brain on what to focus on while I stood on this design crisis soap box. I scoured through my unattended magazines and furniture catalogs for some kind of inspiration. Then I came to the realization that I have way too many unread wallpaper, simpleliving, believer, good and martha's lying around. Keeping up with the goin'ons is not easy. Currently our office and my night stand have piles of dogeared magazines.

Books Stacked (Pottery Barn Spring 2006). Collage on paper, gouache, graphite.
Then voilà I came across the work of Leslie Mutchler and her cleaver catalog collages . When I spotted these I immediately had an I should have thought of that moment. What a great way to make creative use of those read and used catalogs we all have lying around.  





Untitled (Brown Drawers). 2005. Collage on paper.  

White Storage (Pottery Barn Spring 2006)

Baskets (Pottery Barn Spring 2006).
Black Storage (Pottery Barn Spring 2006).
White Storage (West Elm Spring 2006). Collage on paper, color pencil.
Black Storage (West Elm Spring 2006). Collage on paper, color pencil, graphite.
Brown Storage (Crate & Barrel Spring 2006). Collage on paper, color pencil.
Do you have cute makeshift magazine tables? Or are you like me and bordering the brink of being a hoarder?