
I'm not gonna lie -- I pretty much just googled "antelope rug" for today's post. In defense of my laziness I would like you to know that our old house is now under contract although we still have 856 people walking through at all hours, home inspectors are crawling up my ass like fire ants, I co hosted a bachelorette party with Karly on Saturday and I am still hung over, and Better Half Ben is home sick with the pukey vomits -- betcha I'm next.

Deep breath. Now look at these damn rugs.

I should probably be embarrassed to bust out this roundup, as a zillion bloggers have already beaten me to it. But since I came across a ton of images featuring creepy camouflaged men cradling dead antelopes during my search for big beautiful pictures, I feel like I have suffered sufficiently for this post.

Oh, and did I mention that the living room is being painted today? Cross your fingers and toes and eyes and pray that no one finds me hanging from the rafters when it's done.

Going to curl up in bed and hide for a few. Toodles.

[Amanda Nisbet, Cote de Texas, Ms. Blandings, Elle Decor, Perch]