Hey Austinites, You Need to Just Dewit Already

You already know AB Chao, although you may have trouble placing her face. That's because she looks like this:

Yeah, she's kinda famous for her headless self portraits. But she's even more famous for this:

You can't even google the words "farrow" and "ball" without this room coming up. EVERYONE has seen it -- even Kelly Wearstler. And she liked it. A lot.

But AB Chao has made other things, too. Like this:

And this:

And even this glamazing garage redo:

Pretty awesome.

And sure -- you might hate her a little. She's tiny and even peppier than her teenage daughter, she used to write for fancy tv shows, and her clothes are always cute. Even her husband is cute.

I mean -- dammit, AB. You need to quit it with the cuteness.

But here's the thing:  I've known her for years and she's a really nice, really real person who knows how to make something out of nothing (those curtains in the top shot? first dropcloth curtain diy I know about). This is important because being an average middle class wage earner should not be an impediment to style.

And now you can join her Dewit Design Camp and be like AB.

Dudes, AB Chao is coming to Austin from June 30-July 1 to school you! Learn this stuff:

• Basic principles of design • Creating inspiration boards • Drawing layouts • Paint, wall coverings, lighting, window treatments, furniture, art • Using and repurposing existing items • Decorating on a budget • Common mistakes • Putting it all together • Styling • Shooting interiors • Q & A

Plus you will get to eat yummy food and hang out at Meredith Pardue's fancy new art studio. You know Mer:

She makes those paintings that are in all the glossy magazines.

She lives in Austin, too.

Austin is cool.

Cool people live here.

Be even cooler and meet Misses Chao and Pardue in person and soak up their coolness by osmosis.

Sign up for Dewit Design Camp right HERE.

I might even show up if I don't drop a baby first.

Curtain talk tomorrow.

Comment if you have any Dewit questions today.

Put Some Pep in Your Step

It's Monday. How does this keep happening? I suspect it has something to do with the Earth's orbit about the sun, and something else to do with the Jews and Babylonians and other ancient history stuff and things, but it's Monday and I really don't have the wherewithal to delve too deeply into the mysteries of time keeping. What I do have energy for is this:

via Roseland Greene

I feel like I just swallowed an entire Pez dispenser, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Here's some more candy for your sleepy Monday brain:

AB Chao's lovely home, featured in Anthology magazine. Don't you want to marry that Meredith Pardue painting and have rainbow babies?

Possibly the coolest bookshelf ever, via Marie Claire. Jasper Johns, yes?

Not my usual style, but I'm a fan of anything with Mick in the mix, via Nicolas Matheus.

This picture really deserves its own post. Actually, it deserves to be blown up and plastered all across this website because Cindy Sherman is just the most batshit crazy lady ever to turn the camera toward herself. Thank you, Raina. I love it!

The coming week feels ever so much more promising now, doesn't it?

In your face, Monday. BAM.

Light and Bright Feels So Right

Today I'm going to keep it casual  -- bathrobe still on, coffee in hand, chillin' on the patio, casual. Summer is over, but fall in Austin is a glorious time. For one thing, it's actually hospitable, in that going outdoors may not induce spontaneous combustion. For another, things start to wind down and transition into the holidays, and it's important to take a breather before the madness of Hallogivingxmas is in full swing. So I've got a double dose of cozy goodness for you, to help get the unparty started. First of all, Alek of the very awesome blog From the Right Bank to the Left Coast is running the "What's Your Style in One Picture" challenge, and Ima gonna play. Of course, I can't really answer this question because I am the most schizophrenic decorator ever born, loving the sleek seventies one day and rustic touches the next. But today is casual day, and having a theme always helps me to winnow the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

ace hotel palm springs

Ace Hotel, Palm Springs, via If the Lampshade Fits.

I know, I know. It's so uncharacteristically spartan of me to choose this. But sometimes I feel I need a visual vacation from overdecorated spaces. I like the undone quality of this room, and the carefully chosen furnishings (that metal perforated dresser!!!!) help make it special. Of course, the tv would be replaced by art if it were my own home, but it is a hotel, so don't blame me.

And now, my fine friends, a collection of images to help keep the Om Me Padme Hum going. Sit back and hang out.

hanging chair

Living Etc

gaelle le boulicaut

Gaelle le Boulicaut

hanging chair

Desire to Inspire

hanging bed

Via scubadam67's Flickr stream. Found on Even Cleveland.

hanging chair

Living Etc

hanging chair

Crosson Clarke Carnachan Architects

hanging chair

Jeff Andrews Design

hanging chair

Apartment Therapy

hanging bed

And finally, this crazy inventive hanging bed is courtesy of the very awesome AB Chao, who will be guest posting for us while Karly in on vacay. Hooray! AB is currently leading against some serious pros in the best bedroom contest on All the Best and you peeps need to get your fannies over there and vote for her, not because I said so, but because her room is clearly the winner. Lady knows how to live casual to the max. Y'all know what I mean.