Mystery Pants Revealed!

When Karly and I started this blog eight million years ago, we were two ladies who enjoyed nothing more than boozy good times spent laughing hysterically genteelly discussing the finer points of art and interior design. Then I got knocked up and things changed -- namely the boozy part. Then I squeezed out Sweet Baby Ike and things changed even more -- namely the having time to do anything part.

And now it's Karly's turn. Congratulations and welcome to the dark side, my friend.

Behold Eero Gore Miller Hand, born early Friday morning on October 29, 2010.

Now, he might look like a regular day old baby, but Eero popped out weighing 9lbs 10oz and measuring 22 inches long. In other words, he is already bigger than Ike. And I'm pretty sure that when I saw him he was trying to walk out of his bassinet, much like a baby giraffe.

Next week he will probably have to start shaving, and if nicely asked Eero might even do your taxes. Because he is advanced like that.

Hopefully he will take over the blog in a month or two so Karly and I can have a celebratory drink.

Who am I kidding? Babies are even better than booze and free time, and they might even be better than craigslist.

Seriously, who could resist that face?

But don't worry, we'll still be here to talk story about fabrics and furniture and good art. And of course sometimes we will also talk about our babies.

Because that's what we do now. Change is good.