More Pictures Of Pictures

I love to play "name that artist" whilst perusing the files of interior designers; since I'm not teaching anymore, nothing else keeps my mental archive of photographers up to date. But, while last week I felt like a badass -- like some sort of a genius with an, ahem, photographic memory -- this week I feel like a bonehead without a clue. I suppose that's just my hubris coming back to slap me upside the head, all Greek tragedy style. I can take it, though. I can admit that sometimes I just don't know.

I spy Diane Arbus... and maybe Lee Friedlander? via David Netto.

So let's play Name That Artist together, shall we? For some of the pics I can give you the skinny, while some I can't. For some I might hazard a guess, and some I shan't. Feel free to fill in the blanks. Please. I'm afraid a tapeworm named Ike may be eating my brain.

Looks like Candida Hofer...? Via Moris Moreno.

I think this is from a book on a German natural history museum, but I can't remember for sure and IT'S DRIVING ME CRAZY. Gold star if you can figure this one out. via David Duncan Livingston.

Watch me cheat! Works by Naia del Castillo, Diane Arbus, Wolfgang Tillmans. Thank you, caption gods. via Yatzer.

Clueless. But I am really interested in those bizarre muslin wrapped chairs... via From the Right Bank.

Looks like Adam Fuss, but I kinda don't think it is. via Elle Decor.

Barbara Ess, perhaps? But -- ok -- the real draw here is that coffee table and those chairs. via David Duncan Livinston

I have seen this series of images a zillion times. I'm pretty embarrassed not to know who did them. Can anyone help me? Anyone? Anyone? Buelllller? via Nate Berkus.

John Baldessari. Yeah, I needed a little something something to boost my ego. via Momoy.

via David Prince

I'll just suck it up and admit that I'm a bit out of the loop, but even the well versed may have difficulty identifying particulars in this ever expanding sea of media. Not to mention the fact that many works hide in plain view, a la Vik Muniz' chocolate syrup rendition of the classic Harold Edgerton photograph of a milk droplet. Part of me wishes that every interior photo had all its sources documented -- both artistic and otherwise -- but another part of me would be bored to tears if that were the case.

My brain has a serious case of jelly belly, and I really need the mental exercise.