
Hi kids! The sun is FINALLY out after a Noah's Ark deluge, and it looks like I should be able to snap a few pics of the newly painted dinette this afternoon. Be ready for a superpost tomorrow, filled with mockups and waffling and too many choices. You know -- the usual.

Meanwhile, I'd like to point out that some people know exactly what they're doing. Some people know how to make a plan and stick with it. Some people is my friend Christian May of Maison 21, who created a crazy amazing window for the Legends of La Cienaga Design Quarter event -- an event so paltry it includes nobodies like Kathryn Ireland, Muriel Brandolini, Nate Berkus, Waldo Fernandez, etc. Let's check out his window deluxe:

Like I told Christian yesterday, that screen is trying to have sex with me. You know the monkey wants to watch.

One of the best things about blogging is meeting a host of talented, amazing people -- Christian falls into that category.

He knows what he's doing.

He hoarded that vintage fabric and then had the chairs custom upholstered at Gina Berschneider, purveyors of fine things such as this:

Also check out the hubba hubba Black Crow Studios custom printed wallcovering on that custom fabricated screen!
Black Crow can do no wrong:

Watercolor hot flashes!

Finally I would be remiss if I didn't mention the infamous monkey:

Custom painted by Christian, and then dissed by angry Noguchi loving Apartment Therapy readers everywhere.

Perfect for the show window.

I aspire to be more like Christian -- to know what I am doing.

But first we will have to work through the pink kitchen, which is messing with my emotions.
