Have a seat, playa

Despite my deep deep burning love for hip hop (seriously) I'm sort of guessing that this will be my first and last post on a dyed in the wool hip hop genius.  I really don't see myself typing this sentence more than once:  Grammy-winner, skateboarder, Neptunes producer, and Jay-Z BFF, Pharrell Williams has teamed up with French design powerhouse Domeau & Peres to create the sexiest chair known to mankind.  Behold, The Perspective Chair:

Perspective Chair

I've been seeing lots of animal furniture lately but none of them were, uh, doin it and, nope, no people in sight.  I totally feel all lame and dorky like Vincent Libretti from project runway 3 when I say, this chair turns me on.  Pharrell and I are from the same hometown, but sadly, we never met.  This chair makes me want to go back - several - years and sign up for bandcamp so homeboy could (cover your eyes ma) treat me like he treats this chair.  Ok, that was gross.  Anyway, I'm in love with everything about this seat, the red lacquer (LOVE lacquer anything), the arch of her foot, the shape of the seat.  Must. Have. One.

The chair, as well as a second chair design and a table will be part of a show in Paris at the prestigious Emmanuel Perrotin Galerie from October 21, 2008 - January 10, 2009.  After which it will go into production in various colors with only FOUR VERSIONS OF EACH up for sale.  sigh.

Matt had a plaster mold making & fiberglass experimentation stretch last year, which I begged him to quit due to the yucky nasty fumes but I'm wondering if we should resurrect it to make our own version of this hot little number.  Get your mind out of the gutter, we'd just make a chair.

If you love the perspective chair but don't want your guests to have sex on the brain, you may also heart these:

Made In China Seating

The "Made In China" collection created by London Design Team Julie Mathias and Wolfgang Kaeppner of WOKmedia.  Each piece is unique and created from traditional chinese furniture retrofitted with handcarved toys and finished in... here it comes... white lacquer.  What do you think, should we go buy some toys from the thrift store and paint those bitches white, or what?  WOKmedia is a virtual design playground, expect to see more on them from me later.  For now, here's a last look:

made in china collection