Cool, Calm and Collected

An old saying goes something like this: if you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute -- it'll change. Well, that pithy little maxim falls apart in summertime, when from May til October you can count on the forecast to read blazing hot with a chance that it will rain fire and brimstone. As evidence may I present the latest weather report?

weather in texas


Sorry to whip out the F-bomb, but I think we can agree it was deserved -- unless you enjoy singeing the film on your eyeballs as you walk across concrete, or maybe catching the faint whiff of cooking kidneys if you happen to get caught outside of air conditioning for more than a minute or two, that is.

Aside from sprouting fins and gills and making a new home under the sea, the only remedy for such intolerable cruelty is this:

chahan minassian

Doesn't this sleek white mid mod pad designed by architect Victor Gruen and decorated by Chahan Minassian look positively icy?

And ok, the pool doesn't hurt anything.

Later, homies! If we don't run errands before noon, someone will have to scrape us off the ground of a parking lot.

[Chahan Minassian, Roger Davies Photography, Modernica]