!Contest! And some other stuff about pretty landscapes

First let me say that I really wish I could do an upside down ! in this blog.  I don't know how, if I did, that first ! in today's title would have been flipped and it would have been much more awesome.  lowercase i doesn't work, btw. ANYWAY.  As part of my continuing effort to learn everything there is to know about planting stuff in the ground before Austin's 3-second spring season ends I've decided that I absolutely under no circumstances can miss the 2010 Outdoor Living Tour taking place right here in our fair city of Austin this very weekend.

Live in town?  Keep reading for contest details.  No where near?  Keep reading because you love us.

This Saturday, April 17, 9 lushly landscaped modern homes in Austin will open their doors for the wrist-banded among us to enjoy (psst, more on this in the contest part below).

Industry experts will be on hand at each property to talk about the design and execution.  Is it gauche to bring my land survey and ask specific questions about drought-resistant plants?

Just kidding, I would never ever do that.  Just thought I'd clarify.

Click HERE for a complete listing of all properties on tour.

Want to go?  Ok, here's the scoop, you can either:

1.  Buy tickets right now for $12 here

2.  Get tickets for $20 on the day of the show (THIS SATURDAY, people!)

or 3.  Leave a stinkin comment.  Oh, and you best have plans to be in Austin this Saturday.  Leave a comment now-zers and I'll draw a winner tomorrow, Wednesday, at 5:00pm central time.  The winner will be announced thursday morning.  Winner gets 2 (two!) wrist bands.