Green Dreams

I cannot even begin to tell you how glorious the weather in Austin has been... high 70s, crisp breezes, the scent of roses and freshly mowed lawns wafting about. The weather here is usually so HELLFIRE HOT by now that this spring seems extra special and it's really hard to do anything other than lie on the ground and stare up at this:

I love it so much that I just want everything to be green right now...

emerald green cabinets

green kitchen cabinets green cabinets

Green kitchens.

green wall color

green traditional

Green walls.

cole son wallpaper malachite wallpaper

Green wallpaper.

striped wallpaper

The perfect green accent.

In fact I'm considering a little living room switcharoo to bring in more green, inspired by this:

Hot. Sex.

Should I maybe put my new blue/navy rug:

In the front of the living room:

And put the red rug in the back of the living room?

Please pardon the bad styling and photography. I did move about 500 toys out of the picture, so I kind of rule.

I'm not convinced red rug will be ok next to those green chairs (it's definitely not as vibrant as my picture shows, but it's still dark raspberry red), however blue rug could be looking mighty fab with my giant fancy new Jenny painting:

abstract black white

And some new pillows made from this Robert Allen fabric:

I don't know... it's tough to say how this will look in real life. Could be good crazy. Could be bad crazy. That's a lot of squiggly lines and a lot of black and blue together.

When I can pull myself away from tree gazing I hope to move some things around. This is just the first configuration I'll try... I have a lot of big rugs now.

Of course, I also want more big rugs.

Of course, I also also want to stay married.

What do you think the chances of success for this new look are?

More than 50/50 = furniture moving time.

[images via pinterest and my house]



A World Without Children

It must look something like this:

Kind of heavenly. Pristine. Not in the least defiled by poop or vomit.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to pull off anywhere near this much white ever again.

And yet... I might be ridiculously happy. I might feel like my heart will burst every time I look at my handsome boys.

I might have the most awesome life ever right now.

I'm working my way back into blogging but it may be slow going for a bit, distracted as I am by googly eyes and tiny toes.

I should probably admit that I am also distracted by constant cleaning of the aforementioned poop and vomit.

Tiny babies aren't easy, but damn if they aren't adorable x infinity.

Anyhow, I hope you all have a magical long weekend filled with lake parties, sunburns, and hangovers.

Know that I am with you in spirit.

Happy Labor Day!

Mellow Yellow

Today marks the second visit of the cleaning lady, and I'm pretty sure she's going to mutiny when she sees how dirty this place has gotten in two weeks. Little does she know that my cat attracts leaves like velcro and paint in the sink is a state of being over here. But she might also notice that since the last time she was here, new curtains were boughten and the bedroom has been painted and my shelves for the front room are back, sporting a fresh coat of glossy paint.

Good things. Things that will appear in pictures soon. I promise.

Some bad things might have happened, too. Things like our fancy marble dining table arrived cracked down the middle. And I didn't order enough wallpaper for the baby's room. And I'm 99% sure I didn't order enough wallpaper for the powder room, either... did someone say wallpaper calculator? Who? Wha?

I don't know -- maybe it's the fact that I'm dead tired and HUGE, but I just don't care anymore.

That's why they call me mellow yellow...


Tomorrow I will assuredly have a nervous breakdown since I've been with Ike all day all summer with no school, plus his birthday party is this Saturday and I haven't prepped AT ALL.

Oh and the baby will be here in a month.

Mellow yellow, dudes.

