Blue Period

All these peachy pink walls are giving me the blues, but not in a weepy wimpy way. More in a, I must have cobalt blue velvet stat, kind of way.

Case in point:

This fabulous vintage tufted sofa with brand new blue velvet upholstery just popped up at a local dealer's shop. Sadly, I know this particular dealer will be charging 1st Dibs prices. Double sadly, that upholstery in my house would go from pristine to a jelly smeared nightmare in 3.2 seconds.

But look how good FloLo makes peacocky blue look with a juicy pink palette. Delish.

Almost as good as my girl Naomi Stein's fabulous Klein blue and pantone pink office nook. Genius, no?

Go check out the rest of her amazing apartment reveal over at Design Sponge.

And then please report back to let me know where I can get an amazing kid friendly blue sofa.

White Couches

Is buying a white couch a fool's errand? What if you own one toddler and might have plans to make it a two fer? What if you have a long haired gray cat who thinks she's a wad of velcro? Deep down inside I know buying a white couch is probably a very bad idea, but my superficial exterior thinks it would transform my living room into a shining beacon of glory. I do know what I won't be buying, though...

white suede couch

A white SUEDE couch. I mean... wow. White. suede. Hasn't Robert Couturier ever seen Can't Buy Me Love?

Cindy is going to be in big trouble when mommy finds out she spilled wine all over the megabucks white suede outfit Cindy jacked from her closet...

white chesterfield

Another thing I'm not going to buy is a white chesterfield. Sure, it sings its siren song of leather and whispered promises of easy clean up, but that's a dirty lie. Cleaning gunk out of those little buttons is the bane of my existence, and our chesterfield is dark. I can't even imagine what cleaning a white chesterfield would look like... Hell, methinks.

white chesterfield

I want to like this, but I think the cushions look cheap. Agree? Disagree?

elle white couch

Still I really want a white couch. I'd love something slipcovered, but I don't want it to look like a slipcovered couch. The one above would do nicely.

Am I crazy?

Please answer with regard to the white couch question only.

[Robert Couturier, Lili Diallo, Lazaro Rosa Violan, Met Home]

Beds -- Not Just For Night Night Time

I'm sorry that I've been kind of losery up in here -- someone obviously forgot to drink their tiger blood -- but you guys gotta cut me some slack (please). My mind is so feverishly feeble that I need a cane just to get to the other side of a sentence. Thank goodness Karly will be here tomorrow to rescue me, but until then you can watch me limp through this post like a broken gazelle. Don't sick the hyenas on me just yet; I do at least have a few pretty pictures for you. Of beds. That I would like to lounge on. During the day.

They're called daybeds.

Karly has one and now I want one, too... not that I could squeeze another single stick of furniture into this house. But as I've laid propped up on the couch for hours at a time, snotty toddler wheezing at my chest, watching Coraline and Nightmare Before Christmas (Ike has interesting taste) play like a stop action mobius strip across our tv, I've really found myself wishing we had a bed in the living room.

A daybed might be a little less squicky, right?

[Lonny, Marie Claire Maison]