What's in My Shopping Cart Right Now

At any given time, I have about 10 items ready to go in shopping carts all over the web. The only thing that stands between me and a neatly organized browser is, of course, money. Sadly I'm not a wealthy woman, so I have to pick and choose which wants make the cut. And it's probably a good thing I can't just rush out and buy whatever my little heart desires as soon as it fixates on an object -- I may or may not possess a rather capricious nature. I might change my mind once or twice (or a million times) whilst concocting a final plan. So let's check out what I'm looking at and decide what to buy, mmmm kay?

First is this guy from shades of light, which I'm planning to put in the nursery. He's about $200 shipped to my house and I know that's not bad for a fixture, but I'm cheap and keep hoping to stumble upon something just as good for half the price.

I also have samples for these scrumptious wallpapers by Flat Vernacular, all of which kind of fit my color palette. Some I might have a place for, some are just objects of lust.

There's also this hilarious toile print made of derby cars from the same company that would make the cutest kid's bathroom ever, but not sure I want to go that juvenile... or maybe I do. TBD.

Adorable leopard pillow by Arianna Belle. I don't really need this, per se, but it's cute and splashy and $55.

Ikea has new leather furniture out, and it's pretty damn comfy. The Karlstad now comes in white leather, which is probably not the most kid friendly, but at least it cleans up easier than fabric. Our chesterfield is looking shabby, and this mightmightmight work as new seating. Don't worry -- I would burn those legs in the fireplace and buy a new set of chrome ones. For $899 (plus $135 back as an Ikea gift card), it's a whole lotta sofa for not a lotta moola.

Of course what I really want is a pair of these plush Ikea Mellby chairs to replace Chester. A pair of chairs would suit our seating configuration so much better and be more versatile down the line. Sadly, Ben would rather have a couch to sprawl out on... comfort vs aesthetics? Hmmm.

Probably I will buy neither right now and focus on other matters.

Like the marble table I have yet to order...

Or the paint I need for the kitchen cabinets, the upholstery for the nursery chair, bedding for the guest bed, chairs for the new table, a desk for the office, or any of the other million pressing issues I would like to tackle before the baby arrives.

I might have some problems with focus.

So help me out -- anything on this list I must buy today?

What's Happening Now

Hi, how was your weekend? Mine was one of those bust-your-ass-but-accomplish-very-little affairs. At least, that's how me and my sore tailbone are feeling this morning (wtf, pregnant ladies?! what is happening to my coccyx?). Sucks to have so much to do and to be so impaired lazy. I did manage to squeeze in two chocolate covered donuts... yay for me! So, what's really going on at Casa Erin? Let's discuss some life decisions I've come up with (thanks to Karly and Naomi for listening to my whiny pleas for advice).

#1. Wallpaper has been selected.

Pheasant in Coral will go in the upstairs hallway, Neisha Crosland's Zebra will go in the entry, and Pines by Little Greene will go in the powder room. It was really tough to decide where these should go architecturally speaking -- e.g., which rooms should be dark or light, what needs small scale or large, what colors will the rooms adjacent to the papered rooms be painted, etc. So I'm very excited to have a (tentative) decision.

#2. The front room will now be a play room instead of an office.

We're going to squeeze the office into the guest bedroom, and I'm pretty stoked that we don't have to put doors on this room anymore. Yipppeeeeee! I'm STILL trying to sell the coffee table, the shelves will get painted, art has been moved, sconces may be installed, leopard rug will make an appearance, and on the opposing wall I think I'm going to buy a vintage deco armoire to house all the toys. Like so:

Or something like this. These come up on craigslist all the time for dirt cheap.

#3. With Sanders' help, I am close to deciding on paint colors for most of the rooms in my house.

MOST. Not all. Ike's room is mostly nailed down, I'm very close on baby room, I have a good start for the bedroom, and maybe I have an idea for the dinette... oh, the dinette.

#4. We sold our good old table (to a blog reader who recognized our house on craigslist!!!) because it was way too big for our new house, and then bought another... ok table.

First, let's say goodbye to old table. She was a beauty.

Oh, table. I loved you so much. But she's gone, (she's gone) oh I'd pay the devil to replace her...

She's gone.

Thank you, Hall and Oates, for providing the soundtrack to my misery.

And now, drumroll please:

Someone kill me.

We will discuss this horror story in full tomorrow, but I just don't have the energy right now.

In fact, I think I may need another donut just so I can survive today.

PSA: Pheasant by Twigs Wallpaper, All Colorways Pictured

Remember this wallpaper?

It's the lusciously lickable, preppily psychedelic Pheasant by Twigs wallpaper that I was talking up last week.

In the interest of continuing theme Wallpaper Week, I started to shoot my sample collection in our hallway for your viewing pleasure... but then I went and ordered yet ANOTHER sample that I feel I simply must wait upon before asking your opinion.

I am going open a crazy lady wallpaper sample shop when all this is said and done -- the kind of shop with dusty lampshades and random cats patrolling pee stained darkened corners. In other words, I have a problem.

While I sort out my OCD issues, I decided to shoot and post all the colorways for Pheasant because they aren't available anywhere online. I tried my hardest to standardize the colors and density, so I think the pictures are fairly accurate. This may not be the most exciting post, but hopefully it will be useful to someone out in the world.

pheasant blue


brown pheasant


pheasant gold


pheasant gray


pheasant malachite


pheasant marine


pheasant orange


pheasant peach


pheasant red


pheasant rust


If you like, call the nice folks at Twigs and order some samples for free. Rolls are 100% gorgeously hand printed (from a 1980s pattern!), so you have to trim the selvedge yourself...

Cold sweat, people. That's scary stuff.

But worth it -- this paper is deluxe.

Also it reminds me of the time I "got drunk" and went to the renaissance faire to watch weird people make marbelized paper.

That alone puts it in front runner status, right?