Kelly Wearstler + de Gournay = Wallgasm

Friends, I have about 3.2 second to write this post before all hell breaks loose, by which I mean that I will have to read Dogzilla 800 times and constantly assure Ike that we are not hiding a bagful of brand new toys from him (except that we are... he will get them next week on the plane).

Don't worry -- I'm not so unkind as to hide this shiny new toy from you. To continue our theme of Wallpaper Week, please see the following and try not to pee your pants with excitement:

Kelly Wearstler for de Gournay wallpaper.

I have plans to rob a bank during Ike's nap this afternoon, but shhhh don't tell anyone.

Wallpaper Week!

I need a rudder to steer me through the coming week of energetic Ike plus no school, no grandparents, and bedrest -- it's going to be a long one. What better distraction than wallpaper? And of course it doesn't hurt that I've become something of an amateur expert (not a pardox, I swear) on the subject via long hours of obsessively trolling the internet in search of "The One." We'll discuss that very important matter later on in Wallpaper Week, but for today let's talk House of Hackney.

They had me at the mirror image adverts, but I like the crazy romance of the patterns, too. Wild Card is a fabulous interpretation of Madame Castaing's famous leopard prints, Dalton Rose has an ombre bottom, and Empire is cheeky good fun.

Wild Card

Dalton Rose Ombre

Empire Stripe

Flights of Fancy

Queen Bee

I'm a little smitten with the Empire prints for a mini gentleman's room. I would probably only do it on on one wall and frame it out with molding, then paint coordinating color on the other walls -- because that's a lot of look.

Any favorites? That leopard print is sure to make an appearance in someone's powder room, right?

If it Weren't Friday I Might Murder Myself

After a relatively upbeat week I am heading into the weekend as a major grumpasaurus. Why, you ask? (Or maybe you didn't ask, but since I have control of this here convo I'ma gonna tell you.) It's because I went to the doctor yesterday expecting better news regarding my dumb pregnant problems, and instead they are worse. I am working really hard to be angry because anger trumps the wimpy weepies every day, and it is working. Sorry that you all should feel the flinty edge of my wrath -- you really don't deserve it. And we'd all been having so much fun lately.

So never mind bad things and let's take a quick look at entry hall ideas instead.

I could spend eternity attempting to transform our rather modest foyer into something as grandly delectable as this one, designed by Isabel Lopez Quesada. But good architecture is a lot like cheekbones: either you have it or you don't. And those of us that don't must resort to seedier means of coquetry, namely makeup.

In decorating terms we're talking wallpaper and paint and fabulous objects, and if anyone knows anything about dressing up a space, it's Tony Duquette's ex partner Hutton Wilkinson.

Our entry definitely falls into the "needs more makeup STAT" category. In the interest of moving that along, you may recall that I've been painstakingly collecting enough wallpaper samples to paper every house in the neighborhood, but I think I've finally narrowed my choices down significantly. I've yet to photograph the samples in situ, but here's a hint about one of them:

I called the nice folks at Twigs and they were kind enough to send me a sample in every colorway of their Pheasant wallpaper. It is bananas, people. INSANE. Maybe too insane. I don't know.

We'll talk about it next week. Until then, I hope you have a lovely weekend filled with donuts and down pillows... or whatever it is you're lusting after. Being pregnant does weird things to you.