Wherein I Tell Stories About the House Using Other People's Pictures (OPP)

Being a photographer is a double edged sword. Yes, I can make my pictures look very pretty, but it's a lot of work and I get incredibly annoyed/enraged/depressed when the pictures aren't perfect. So I talk myself out of posting house pics A LOT. Also, I am sick as a dog, Ike has been home sick all week, and I have a doctor's appt today, so computer usage has been at an all time low (sadly I have yet to figure out how to write a post on my phone). What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry I'm such a crap blogger. I have great hopes of being better in the near future. But the future is later so in the meantime, look at these random pictures and let me tell you about my adventures.

Yesterday I braved all manner of hideous setbacks to buy a Maitland Smith tessellated coral cocktail table set, just like the one you see in this here 1st Dibs picture. I got the coffee table and a pair of end tables for $175. BAM. Or I could have paid $3750 for just the table from 1st Dibs (WHERE do these prices come from?!).

The end tables look great, but the coffee table has a few etched in rings and a dull surface. Anyone know how to polish those out and reseal the top? I'm guessing whatever would work on marble or travertine would work on this.

The shape and scale are a vast improvement over the old Pace Collection stainless steel and glass number:

It's a really cool table, but I really wanted something square for our new seating arrangement. I'm about to put it on Craigs, but if anyone wants to buy it shoot me an email or leave a comment. It does have some dings and scratches, and is generally... well loved. But it's still built to withstand the apocalypse, so local buyers only. It's easily the heaviest thing I own.

See what I mean?

In other news, I am kinda liking this wallpaper for the upstairs hallway:

It's by Little Greene wallpaper; the pattern is pines.

little greene wallpaper

Here's a closer look at the colorway I have taped up right now. It's teal with subtle golden pine needles.

So has anyone ever hung Little Greene wallpaper? I'm starting to freak about hanging real wallpaper by myself... you have to book and soak it. I'm not even sure it's pre trimmed. Scary thoughts. Deep breaths.

Ok, that's all my news for today. Please tell me how to fix my life, or at least how to hang wallpaper and polish my new table.

Thank you.

Jackie Astier's Textured Home in Elle Decor

I've been busily (obsessively) taping little scraps of patterns all over the walls, feeling good about some things, horrified by others, and generally overwhelmed by the sheer variety of stuff out in the world. Probably this process was easier when Sears Roebuck offered your choice of three patterns, to be delivered by train or pony. Instead I find myself squinting into a crystal ball, wondering which of said 800 million patterns will be least offensive to me in a decade. Compounding the problem is Better Half Ben's insistent, rather querulous complaint that all my choices are so "decorative." That's gauche, dude. And kind of obvious.

All this is to say that I had an interesting reaction to stylist and socialite Jackie Astier's home featured in this month's ED.

jackie astier elle decor

jackie astier elle decor

It's all moody broody texture -- not much in the pattern department. Now part of me finds this cozy and fabulous, and part of me thinks I'm just backsliding into my safety net. Haven't I already been here before? Maybe. But lacquered walls and tonal faux bois wallpaper feel so soft and dreamy.

jackie astier elle decor

Oh, and grasscloth. Delicious delicious grasscloth.

jackie astier elle decor

This bedroom is too girly for me, but I think the color palette feels a little more avant garde than the gray gray grays used elsewhere.

jackie astier

jackie astier elle decor

It's a lot of eye candy, but I also feel like I've seen so much of it before. Damien Hirst: check. Mastercraft brass: check. Beni Ourain: check. Milo Baughman Karl Springer Paul Evans: check. Kind of veers into furniture museum territory.

Still, I think she does a lovely job making the space feel more intimate. I've been hard at work trying to create layers with pattern, but maybe in some cases texture is the way to go.

What do you think? Are you all about pattern or texture?

[Elle Decor, Jackie Astier]

Note to Self: Do Not Misspell "Rose Cumming" Whilst Using the Google

Seriously. Do. Not. Do it. I warned you. If you actually type it correctly, you will be treated to a panoply of, ahem, somewhat less prurient wonders. Although not exactly XXX, Rose Cumming's wallpapers, fabrics, and interiors, do hold a distinct sex appeal of their own.

Her Zebrine wallpaper has gotten a fair amount of interest in recent years, but I'm actually more interested in the starry Galaxie prints (how cool would that be in a dark colorway for an unexpected kid's room?), and Sheryl -- a tufty hot number. The only problem is that RC's prints are to the trade, available through Dessin Fournir, and I have been to lazy to set up an account.

Anyone know if tufty time comes in colorways other than pink?

Yes, I know pink tufted walls would be cute in a girl's room. Sorry, but I can't go there. I may or may not have been traumatized by pink walls as a smallish child (and teenager).

Sidenote: thanks to everyone who left a comment on Friday's post, or shot me a lovely email filled with well wishes. Still hanging in there.

Yes. Just like that.

[Peak of Chic, Lonny, Loathe Like Love, Peak of Chic, House Beautiful]