Pattern Recognition

When it comes to decorating, I can really be a schizophrenic nightmare. I am inundated with a thousand new ideas every day as I peruse the web, and while I would like to try them all out right NOW (because I am not a patient person), I'm honestly running out of space and money for these killer brainwaves. I cannot squeeze one more single thing into this modest mid century ranch house (not that I would ever let silly size constraints stop me), and if I repaint one more wall (again), the hubs will probably divorce me. So, it's a good thing I have this blog to turn to. Because if I didn't have an outlet for all my collected fantasies, I would probably go berserk and paint pink graffiti all over my couches. And while that idea is vaguely tempting, the less crazy part of me knows it would not end well.

Nicolas Mattheus

This is all a very long and protracted way of saying, Look! I like patterns! Alas, I have no room for them right now (plus I want to move so I'm in decorating limbo (which is actually, seriously more like the 7th level of hell)), but I'm going to take some mental lithium so we can hang out together and enjoy these pretty pictures that I have hoarded for a while. And I will try to restrain myself from plotting new ways of implementing these designs.

Reto Guntli

Greg Natale

Jason Loucas

Marie Claire Maison

Francois Halard

M Design Interiors

Elle Decor

SR Gambrel via Elle Decor

Francois Halard

The Boundary via Even Cleveland

Living Etc.

Maybe someone out there can put my fantasy plans into action, but don't tell me about it because I will be hatefully jealous of your decorating freedom. Just kidding, I would love to see your awesome super patterned hotness. Send me some pics and I might even post them.

Good News & Bad News

Good Tuesday All! I've got exciting news: Poketo give away winners are listed below; and lame news: computer problems big time. See, I was actually trying to be a proactive blogger by installing a wordpress update, somehow amidst all the fancy code my computer and my server stopped talking to each other and now I can't get any work done in blogland or otherwise. Whant whant whant. So, my mac is in the shop and I'm relegated to shamefully using my husband's yucky PC, which has (gasp!!!!) NO BOOKMARKED PICTURES OF PRETTY HOUSES. It sucks to say the least and now you dudes have to pay the price by reading this short post.

HOWEVER!!!!! These 3 people should be mighty excited:
#31 Anita
#8 Connie
#17 Alma

I know that a couple of these winners are frequent commenters but I want everyone to know that these were the true random number generator results and I actually thought long and hard about spinning the wheel again lest you dudes would think there was funny business going on. I decided that I best not tempt fate and that hopefully you trust a gal who's been bringing you daily love for 2 years now. Right?

For those of you the random number generator didn't pick, you can still grab a recycled tote at Poketo here.

And just because I love you all dearly, here's a picture of my new fantasy wallpaper. I've been dreaming of this ever since Nelya posted it at head over heels last week:

stay tuned for a guest post tomorrow...and praise the lord you don't have to sit through another miserable day of me using Matt's computer. All should be well by Thursday where I maybe maybe will show you some pics of my backyard remodel.

The Hangover

It's been a long time since I've written a hangover post. About 9+9 months, to be exact. And I don't know what's more embarrassing -- that I am a mom with a hangover, or that it only took 3.5 drinks to take me to the bad place. Also it is WEDNESDAY morning. Whatever the case, I had a great time with my guest, but I'm glad Karly decided that we're not going to work as hard around here because Momma be tired. And cranky. And hungry for some greasy pizza. I really can't let this blog get between me and pizza, can I?

So I have some pretty pictures for you that I compiled last week when I was still sober and responsible. Just don't expect a lot of writing. Because that would take thinking. And thinking hurts.

volte flamestitch

Greg Natale

You know what I love? Flamestitch. Zig zags. Chevrons. Well, I usually love them, but today this picture is making my cerebellum itch. Not the most comfortable feeling.

volte flamestitch

M Design Interiors

volte flamestitch

Ruy Texeira

volte flamestitch

Wall stencil by Mark Chamberlain

mary macdonald

Mary MacDonald

volte flamestitch

NYT via Eye Spy

volte flamestitch

Osborne and Little Volte wallpaper

kelly wearstler

Kelly Wearstler

missoni home

Missoni Liuwa rug

volte flamestitch

M Design Interiors

Now please entertain me by letting me know how you feel about la flamestitch. Are you in for a little or a lot?

Just type your comment very quietly, please...