Ding Dong the Desk is Dead

I've been debating whether or not I should post a pic of the painted kitchen because it's storming and dark as pitch in here, and there is no way on earth I can get an accurate image of the paint color. BUT I did promise to reveal something today, and I am a woman of my word (when I want to be). So here we go, yo:

I'm so excited that our built in desk is gone that I don't even care about the other junk in the picture. LOOK at the magnificent tile job Matt did. BEHOLD the glut of space where once there was this:

My eyes!!!

Anyhow, I'll post pictures of the fully pink panorama as soon as the sun comes out.

Oh, and P to the S: my chandelier came and it is a thing of beauty.

Unfortunately it is also eye pokingly long...

Details to follow.

Weekend Warriors

Ahhhh, Monday -- it's like a vacation from the weekend. Seriously, I am burnt. Toasted. Saturday we frantically ran errands and car shopped all day (not fun). Sunday we painted until I thought I might die (also not fun). And for all that back breaking work, there was little sad little fruit of our difficult labors. We still have no car (anyone have a Rav4 and like it?), and I hate the paint I picked for the guest bedroom/office -- it looks like a band aid factory exploded onto a porn set. But we did get two things accomplished:

1) Cinco de Mayo.

I thought I had a bitchin video of Ike doing the Macarena with some awesome Mexican lady dancers, but apparently in my pregnant fugue state I forgot to press record. FAIL. Still, Cinco de Mayo was pretty fun (although margaritas would have made it funner).

2) Matt ripped out the ugly built in desk and we painted the kitchen.

Matt did SUCH AN AMAZING job removing the old built in behemoth and replacing the tiles underneath. You would never know it was ever there. Meanwhile, I got tired of painting swatches and decided to just pick something and go for it.

Y'all are going to think I swallowed a Guatemalan insanity pepper.

We will discuss tomorrow. Have your wits sharpened and pencils prepared.

Look Up, Look Down, Look All Around...

I've been seeing a lot of painted ceilings lately:

painted ceilings painted ceilings painted ceilings painted ceilings painted ceilings

Ooohhhh ahhhh, pretty!

But I tell you dudes what: I would think long and hard before I did something like this. We just painted a ton of ceilings in our house, because the stupid previous owners decided that the fugly khaki green beige on the walls would look just as smashing on the ceilings. And I guess it does -- if by "smashing" you mean "like the inside of a butt."

After seeing the difference a coat of light, neutral paint makes, I don't think I'll be painting any ceilings dark or dramatic colors unless they are A) at least 10 feet tall, B) in rooms with lots of light, or C) in dark rooms where you want the ceiling to merge with the wall -- thus reducing contrast and enlarging the space.

I have none of those things going on at my house, therefore me and my bucket of Simply White shall continue to do battle with the exorcist vomit spewed all over our ceilings.

But maybe I'm wrong. Have you ever gone wild on the ceiling? Was it a good thing?

Later, taters. The lovely inlaws have Ike so I plan to tackle tons o' work today.

[images via my pinterest, sorry I'm so lazy]