Our Nursery

In anticipation of our wee little bundle of joy I've finally finished the nursery I've been planning for the last 9 months.   Luckily, our very own Erin is an A++ photographer and somehow or another I managed to sweet talk her into coming over for last week and taking some pics.  You dudes get to reap the rewards.  Let's not waste any time:

Tada!  Ok, let's start at the top: The light fixture is a repurposed bird cage that had originally been used to hold rolled silver at my wedding.  I painted it black, Matt made it work.  Art on the gallery wall was covered in this post.  The pouf is from this ebay seller, I made the curtains, which are covered in this post.  The bumper was made by yours truly and the rug* used to live in Erin's dining room.  I traded her a night of babysitting for it, which, by the way, she never took me up on.

*BTW, I understand that there is a vicious anti-zebra rug movement going on right now, but guess what, I got this rug for free and I don't have to feel bad if the baby messes it up.  Plus, it goes.  Winwinwin.

Pretty damn cute, right?  You want to know where I got this stuff?  The light was a round top score ($10!) and the swivel rocker was purchased at Uptown Modern, I had the cushion made for it because the one that came with it was gross brown.  The pillow was bought on super clearance at anthropologie.  The terrarium used to hold plants but, despite my green thumb, they died, now it has toys.  The star hooks are from hobby lobby and the clock was a whopping $7.99 at Marshall's.

It just keeps coming, right?  Let's see... the dresser was found by Erin on craigslist (she has CL talent, yo) the tiger painting was purchased by Erin at the thrift store for (wait for it) $3.99 - I think I still owe her for that.  I purchased most of the lanterns at the cleverly named, paper lantern store.  The orange light is another round top score.

Here's a shot to put the corner with the dresser in context for you dudes.

How's my sweet little baby angel supposed to recognize his family without a little educational tool?  Pics of the crew live on a magnetic board over his changing table.  (table base bought at Salvation Army and painted black by me).  FYI, the magnets are made from wood cutouts bought at hobby lobby that we glued magnetic backings onto.  It's hard to find cute magnets these days.

Gratuitous lantern shot.   Did I mention that the walls are Benjamin Moore Harbor Grey? I just can't get enough of it.

And a last look at the top of the dresser.  I forgot to mention above that the room is tiger-friendly, not to be confused with tiger-themed.  Our little man is going to pop out in the year of the tiger, just like his daddy and his uncle, it's cool, we're into it.

So, there you have it:  the only completely complete room in my house... minus the occupant.

Since When Did I Want a Cozy Cottage?

First of all, I have to thank DC reader Elizabeth for reminding me about M. Design Interiors last week.  You know, M. Design, the design firm that brought us the potty that launched a thousand blog posts:

Yes, you know this room, it lives in this house:

On any other day of my life I would move into this house before you could say flexible interest rate, but today, well, today another one of their interiors is catching my eye.   It's an odd choice for me, given my affinity for 70s porn inspired homes, but I think this nesting business has gotten the best of me because today I want to live behind these doors:

Not wanting to change a thing about the landscaping around this cozy cottage.  Yes I know bamboo is invasive.  Zip it.

Look what awaits me inside!  I could sit the hell out of those leather chairs.  Erin can sit in one too, we will then discuss what will replace that sofa.  In this fantasy I'm not pregnant and I'm on my third vodka tonic, fyi.

This is where I sleep off my hangover.

Call me crazy but today this is really working for me

Sorry about the pink color block, it's on the M. Design website and in my cottage fantasy I don't have to use photoshop in order to write a blog post.

Ok, ok, I know the rest of America is knee deep in autumn, but it's still 90 degrees here and this outdoor shower looks like a great place to recover from that boozy nap I took earlier in this post.

On a side note:  Elizabeth also mentioned that the head designer for M. Designs is the sister of the blond on Modern Family.  Hot Goss!  On a side side note, one of the reasons I don't watch that show is because I don't buy the blond and that dude as a couple.  I like both characters just fine, but I really don't believe them together.  Sorry everyone, just sayin.

Good Beds and a Few Other Talking Points

Who doesn't love gossip?  I had planned to bring you a hot and heavy gossip filled post today but I quickly realized that I only have two very small tidbits to share and I was quickly reminded of my sad, decidedly un-gossip filled life.  I cleaned out my fridge this weekend.  No that is not one of my news items, merely proof of my lameness. So, call it gossip, whateves, here's what I've got for you:

1.  I'm sure you all already know this but did you realize that Margaret Russell is now editor and chief of Architectural digest?

Conde Nast could have put a smurf in charge of that rag and it would have been an improvement, but I'm pretty giddy at the prospect of Mme. Russell taking over.  Mags, a small request:  no more "hi def" photos, no more tuscan anything, no more director's homes just because they are director's homes.  Also, steer clear of anything overly Amish.  You know the issue I'm referring to.  I know I don't need to tell you these things, I trust you.  Also, sorry I chose this blurry photo of you, I just liked all those fabrics in the background.  Next time ask your pal to hold his iPhone a little more steady.

Look forward to seeing Margaret's first AD issue in January.  And to think, I was going to let my subscription lapse.  Elle Decor promoted from within, hopefully it will stay groovy.

Talking Point #2:  Erin is taking a vacay

Erin and I both need a little break.  Don't worry, it's not you, it's us.  Promise.  Just to prove it, we've concocted a sneaky plan to keep you dudes around:  For the next few weeks I'm going to be your design tour guide 3 days a week while erin goes sky diving and horse whispering and stuff.  Once my sweet little angel baby arrives, she will return to her post and you can cry a thousand tears in my absence.  Basically, you guys are going to have to live off 3 posts a week for a while and put up with my ass.  Did I tell you about the fridge cleaning?

Talking point #3:  There were terms to this vacation.  Erin says I have to give you longish posts sometimes.  UGH!!!  You know I'm the one pic-per-post wonder, but I guess I can suck it up for her.  Starting right now:  Look!  Beds!

If ever I have reason to buy a twin bed, I shall look no further than this brass four poster. And yes, I will totally toss a fur on the end just for good measure.

Who do you suppose sits in those chairs?  This picture is lovely, but when you really think of the logistics of it, it's a bit of a head-scratcher.

Every single thing about this photo is awesome.  The end.

Ok, so this room doesn't really fit, but I want to talk to you about the walls.  Right now I have one black wall in my bedroom, it looks great, but every time I see this room I think that maybe I need all black walls in my bedroom.  My floor is white, too.  Thoughts?

And just so the previous photo doesn't feel alone in it's dark-wallness, I tossed this one in for good measure.  You know, I have a chair a lot like that in my room, but no metal cross sculptures, surprisingly enough.

Now how's that for some Hott Goss?