More Groovy Rooms for Kids

Hey Dudes, sorry you didn't get any love yesterday.  I was just plain busy.  Yep, that's it, no great excuse, but if you need something let's just say the dog ate my computer.  Are we good? Remember how I waited 5 long months to tell you about the little bambino I'm cooking?  Remember how I did that out of fear that this would become a kiddo blog?  Well, it seems I know myself well because all my decor hunting these days is baby-related and that's what's translating into my posts.  Here are a few of my favorite kiddy rooms from drool-worthy mag, Living Etc.

I especially love this room as it is the same color gray as my little guy's.  The black accents and cute-o displays are all in the works for his room as well.  Now let us all ask our resident criagslist genie, Erin, to pretty please find us a chair that cute and please let it be comfy.

I have to admit that I'm not crazy about whatever's happening on the bunk beds over there, but everything else is pretty cute (hello white wood floors!) so this room made the cut.

That pinup picture in the bottom right is beyond stupid, but otherwise I love this wall!  The end.

Cute overload.  I also love that this space is gender-neutral without being totally lame.

This room wins the award for most adorable shelves and best use of tam tam stool.

Ok, now to go tackle a real life kids room.  I hope my kiddo appreciates the finer points of modern decor.

Babies Are the New Black

I remember when I would run into all my friends at a bar on any given Wednesday.  A couple of years later I started bumping into them all at weddings and (do you see where this is going) these days I seem to see my favorite ladies in groups most frequently at baby showers.  What conclusions can we draw from this:  1.  I'm getting old.  2. I'm not sure why we ever stopped going to bars on Wednesdays and 3.  Eventually I was going to get sucked into the baby crazy too.  Yep, babies are the new black and I'm cooking up my own. We're 5 months along (I'm sorry I didn't tell you dudes sooner, I just didn't want this to turn into some lame mommy chat room) and just this past Tuesday we found out that we're having a bouncing baby boy.  We're BEYOND excited and now it's time to decorate his room.

I hate to admit that my number one nursery inspiration room is also the most popular baby's room ever to hit the interwebs but I just can't help it.  The room of Beckett, Jenna Lyon's son, is just filled with everything I love.   There will be no knock offs, but don't be surprised if you see this pallet again over the next few months.

I spent some serious time considering a mural like the one here for his room.  I even found this exact mountain scape.  But ultimately decided that I wanted to cover the walls in clustered art (surprise!) and figured I would get sick of the mural before the little dude even popped out.

One thing I've realized while pulling photos for le bebe's room is that I really like stuff hanging from the ceiling.   I'm hoping and praying to find a dream chandelier for a bargain basement price but I haven't ruled out the possibility of a clustered grouping of goodies hanging in a corner somewhere.

Of course, there's always the option of keeping it clean and simple.  Ok, who am I kidding?  There's no way I'm giving up a crazy sweet mobile so that an arc light can shine on the baby all night long.

Minus the crib too close to the floor, and plus some cooler artwork this is probably more my speed

If I want to creep the baby out I'll go with this assylum-chic space.  It will be good for the baby to learn all about anatomy, sweeping and ironing before he's able to walk, right?

Because I've never found fault with this pallet (see image #1) this photo generally tugs at my soul.

I've been picking up a few random items over the last few months, they all tend to fit into the black / white / yellow theme, so I think that's where we're going.  The walls in the room are light grey now, but I can't decide if they should stay that way.  This is where you come in.  Tell me everything you would do that doesn't involve snuggly elephants in bonnets or sunbathing bunny rabbits.

Oh, and no asking what his name is, you got to find out he was a boy on the same day you found out he exists (I've been waiting 5 months for the luxury), the name is under wraps until his October due date.  xoxo!

Color Combinations: Aubergine & Gold

Recently I can feel a dramatic shift in my design preferences.  Where I used to bookmark white interiors like they were going out of style, well, for me, I think they might be going out of style.  Don't get me wrong, I still love a crisp, clean, white interior but I just flipped through my color combinations folder and saw a lot of this action:

As you can see, my interest in gold hasn't waned much (has it grown!!!??  good lord) but the surrounding tones have gotten significantly darker

Ok, so admittedly, that light fixture really seals the deal here.  No, not the duck one.

No fancy interiors to see here, but this was smack-dab in the middle of my color file so I figure it must be worth sharing.  Other odd images I found right along it's side include:

Love the color, love the fur, love the sparkle.  This could totally translate into a room.

And there it is again.   I would like for you to tell me how this color combination is not perfection.  Or, send me more pictures of real interiors in these tones... I want more!

PS, if I took any of today's pictures from any of your blogs and didn't note it here it's because I don't remember where I got any of these pictures.  Leave a comment if they're from your site and I'll happily give you credit.  xoxo