Lots of you loved the Woolly Pocket giveaway, and with good reason -- those little guys are mind bendingly awesome. I plugged your sweet comments into the random number generator and bop bop bing blam ka ching, we have a winner:
#6 -- Jyll, come on down! Apparently you did all the right cheerleading stunts, wore an appropriately tacky t-shirt, and screamed until your throat turned hoarse, because Wally is coming home with you. Lucky girl!
For those of you who are crushed by a bitter sense of defeat, turn that frown upside down by ordering your own Wally right here.
Many many thanks to the super nice people at Woolly Pocket, who go above and beyond in their quest for the green life. How so, you may ask? Well, just check out their school garden initiative:

For $1000 schools can order an entire gardening system, complete with a curriculum. I love this idea because it's so important for kids to learn the magical joy that growing things from tiny seeds brings. This in and of itself makes WP uber rad, but they just have to one up themselves by helping to raise money for schools who need it. I think my runty black heart just grew two sizes. If yours did, too, you can go here to vote for Woolly Pocket, which will them a chance to win big bucks from Pepsi for the Woolly School Garden.
But the giving doesn't stop there -- if you go here and tweet Woolly Pocket's message, WP will donate $1 to the Woolly School Garden on your behalf.

Just look at those happy faces!
Ok, dudes, back later with some goings on at Casa Erin... the dust be flying round here.