Where's Waldo: Badass Lamp Edition

Hey All, it's Karly!  I've come out from under the demolished-kitchen-shaped rock from which I've been hiding under to seek your renovation assistance.  Since I'm standing knee-deep in rubble over here and icky dust has settled in my brain, I'm having a hard time finding the light I'm lusting after at an affordable price.  But I know I can.  Despite the mess crumbling down around me I still hold strong to my motto:  I will buy it for half the price.  Also to my other motto:  no more horses. So, can you help me or what?

I'm looking for a light sorta-kinda like this one.  It's baby brother.  A wee bit shorter.  I have a very large window over my sink and want to mount a light like this on the wall beside it.  For less than $1,000,000 ok, less than $1,000.  who are we kidding, less than $10.

Certainly not $2,700, otherwise I would buy this:

Yes, this Serge Mouille light would do the trick if only it were (say it with me now) half of half of half of the price.  half it again.  yep, that should do it.

So, any ideas on where I can find something similar with a nice wingspan?  3 feet would be amazing.  okthanksbye


Scenes From Yesterday

Last night I was so happy to be vomit free that I started writing a jaunty little post in my sleep... something to let you into the window of my delirious experience riding the pale horse. It goes a little something like this.

I woke up Wednesday still feeling pretty out of sorts... kind of exactly like an extra head had sprouted from my Bob Ross mustache.

Facing my fears mustache on, I ate a banana and a party proceeded to throw down in my tummy. But it wasn't really a good party -- it was one of those parties you hit after way too many drinks, only to find all the dudes have herpes and they're serving Mad Dog 20/20 with a splash of coke.


Then, inexplicably I began to feel better... way better. Kind of sparkly and full of magic and light. At this point I considered watching Legend on the telly but turned to the trusty net instead. Oh internet, you never fail to amuse me. (worth waiting through the commercial, trust me)

Then I hooked up with Minty, brought to you by the lovely ladies of Atlanta, Susie, Nelya and Jenny. I spent over an hour ogling the wares and plotting another move closer to:

This rug. And Susie's adorable boots.

That INCROYABLE Maitland Smith tesselated console table, those lamps, Jenny's art, the rug... all of it.

And there might be a chair pair that I'm mentally hoarding for myself.

Don't wait until you're weak and sickly to shop like I did. Go to there.

So, that's how my day went yesterday. You can see how very productive I've been (as in not at all), but since I'm actually going to live I think I may need to start planning for the future, which means laundry and Christmas shopping and working.

I'm pretty excited to do those things.

Thankful, even.

I Spy With My Gimlet Eye

Sure I still have unpacked boxes begging for attention, a garage full of unloved furniture, and a room devoted entirely to packing paper and cardboard, but a girl's gotta shop for her new pad, right? I put it off as long as I could, but yesterday in between errands I managed to speedwalk through an antique mall which was, perhaps predictably, stuffed with junque. Still, while mining the hills and sifting the sands I managed to find some gold in them there hills. gold brass trunk

You may recall my obsession with trunks, and especially with all things Sarreid. Well, this guy may not be a Sarreid, but he's still damn handsome. I think he's going to make the perfect end table, and toy storage is always a bonus.

gold brass trunk

The booth that housed this beauty also held a number of other curiosities. I kind of wish I had bought this stainless footlocker, too.

Another trip may be in order? Who's in?

And now I have to figure out how to unload my score from the front seat of the car, where it is wedged in tighter than Kim Kardashian's booty in... well, anything.