Watery Goodness

Did you ever wet a piece of paper and hold a marker to the surface, watching the ink slowly spread into its outermost fibers? That's pretty much the closest I ever got to water color painting. I still look at water color images in much the same way -- checking out the edges, tracing the outline of the pigments' run for the border. So today is my homage to the glorious transparency of water. And color. Hopefully I can make it through this post before jumping the backyard fence and rushing the neighbor's pool.

watercolor pillow

watercolor painting

Abracadabra, homies. How do you like that magic?

Have a good one!

[Emily Henderson, Black Crow Studios via Head Over Heels, Met Home, Helen Frankenthaler in her studio, Eye Spy, Ike's room]


Banksy Is a Genius

So I'm a little ticked off because I had to delete my last post about Tom Wolfe's pompousness because The Selby said I couldn't use his pictures. That's funny... I feel like I've seen his pictures elsewhere. I mean, like EVERYWHERE. Mostly, I think The Selby saw a storm brewing between me and a gallery dealer regarding King Tom's espousal of ersatz artist, Frederick Hart. At least I called Hart a faux artist, but his gallery rep vehemently disagreed. Surprise, surprise. To make a long, pissy story short, I came across this quote by actual artist Banksy on Ffffound and it was like a rallying cry for me, an epiphany that something must be done about crappy "art."

banksy quote

Bright young things, I know you need to make a living, that eating tuna from cold tin cans and sleeping in a cardboard box is not appealing, but HELP!!! Please save us from a world where Frederick Hart is listed in the same sentence as Isamu Noguchi and Helen Frankenthaler (again, according to his rep).

I can't live in that world.