Friday Thrift Store Score

Yesterday I realized that I've been moving like a zombie through life, with no time to do anything other than the bare minimum of dishes, laundry, child care, work, autopilot blog posts, rinse and repeat. With my first few minutes to spare in what seems like eons burning a hot hole in my pocket, I scooped up Ike and headed to the thrift store. Ah, the thrift store -- a smelling salt strong enough to bring even the grayest zombie back to pink and rosy liveliness. A creamy salve soothing enough to heal any wound. Too bad it doesn't do taxes and toilets, but a quick trip to the thrift store will fix just about any other problem I've got going on with its miraculous selection of crap I don't need but desperately crave. It satisfies my inner hoarder, and cheaply at that.

Anyway, I bought a heavy vintage vase covered in gorgeous green glaze, one that speaks to me of precious emeralds and malachite mysteries. This ain't the best picture, but y'all get the drift.

If you've been struggling just to tread water lately like I have, then I hope you find some time this weekend to hit your local thrift and uncover a treasure that speaks directly to your heart.

Hopefully for less than $5.

It's So Easy Being Green

I told everyone I was a leprechaun when I was little younger. I might have been overreaching a tiny bit. On the other hand, perhaps I truly am descended from the wee folk. Let's review the facts: I am so short that I wear a size 5 shoe. I have funny pointed ears. I look fabulous in emerald green. My name is Erin and my mother was an O'Connor. Oh, and I love gold. A lot. Let's just agree (for today, after which time I will pretend this never happened) that I might have a bit of the magic so that I can shower you with some luck o' the Irish.

Nuevo Estilo via Nero Chronicles

Molly Luetkemeyer

Florence Lopez

Miles Redd for Oscar de la Renta

It just wouldn't be a St. Patrick's Day post without a pot of gold shimmering at the end of the rainbow...

Dolce and Gabbana certainly know how to bring on the bullion.

And now I impishly decree it to be drinky o'clock.

Go chug some green beer and get liquored up!

Emerald City

You guys know that I could never paint a color bolder than gray on any of my walls but that doesn't negate my burning desire to hang out in rooms with some seriously bold color.  Right now I'm being seduced by these moody emerald walls.  Emerald?  I know, go figure.

Twig Hutchinson

Now I'm not going to let a pesky little detail like my current inability to sit on that couch stop me from digging this room.  As soon as the little bambino pops out I can roll all over that yellow beauty.

Zownir Locations

Hmmm, this yellow and emerald combo looks familiar, but that couch is decidedly more practical given my current condition.


In person:  could be awesome, could be scary.  I just don't know.  I hope the towel is clean.

VT Wonen

Kinda emerald, right?

Diane Von Furstenberg

And if, like me, you can't paint your walls green and, unlike me, you have a gragillion dollars, you can add the sexiest accessory known to mankind to your room via this Dian Von Furstenburg rug.  Psst, I found this over at If the lampshade fits and have been dreaming of it ever since.  Think I can sneak it onto my baby registry?