The New Way

We here at the DC headquarters are so busy painting the last happy duck stencils along our borders, rehearsing with the marching band, and doing final fittings for the majorettes in prep for Erin's baby's homecoming that we can barely find the time to remember our names.  So, we've decided to do things a little differently for the next couple of months:  we're rockin long weekends for the rest of the summer.  Yep, from now until the school bell rings we're taking the easy way out on Fridays.  Here's how it's gonna go down:  we're going to show you ONE pretty picture like this:

A quick description like this:

The Cloud Sofa by D.K. Wei:  a concept couch supported by nothing more than a magnet

And maybe we'll even throw in a link to a new blog we've found like this:

Hey, check out this new blog we love: me melodia

Happy Summer, homies!  See you on Monday!